11 March 2025

Feeding "our" children

The debate about the compulsorily funded school lunch programme is being characterised by opponents of the government, as one of mean-hearted people unwilling to feed "our" children.

Advocates of the school lunch programme claim:

  • There are children going to school without breakfast and without lunches, and they will perform worse at school than had they been fed...  this is true, but not just for the reasons advocates of state feeding of children claim.
  • Simply providing food for the children who are in need (and whose parents can't or wont pay for it) is bad, because it makes those children feel singled out because of the negligence of their parents/guardians unlike that of  children who would not get such meals. this is likely to be true, but neglect to note that is likely to be the case more generally anyway.
  • If "we" can't feed "our" children, then what are "our" priorities anyway? 
Of course all kids should be going to school having had breakfast and provided lunches, who would argue against that?

The Government is dancing around the key philosophical argument around this, and despite lazy attempts to portray it as a "culture war", it really isn't. It is an argument around both the role of the state and individual responsibility, and it is obvious that there are people polls apart on this.

On one side is what is, in essence, a socialist position, that it is not only morally right, but there is a moral obligation for politicians to force taxpayers to pay to feed all children at school. The argument being that this provides for the best outcomes for children, and demonstrates a kind and caring society.

On the other side is what is both a conservative traditional, but also a classically liberal position, is that the primary moral obligation to feed children arises with those who chose to take responsibility for them - the parents/guardians.  There being two reasons why the feeding doesn't happen.  First, is if there is genuine poverty, this still obliges the parents/guardians to seek support from the existing welfare system or charitable services to put their children first, and of course people are free to support such services if they want to show kindness to those in need.  Secondly, if parents/guardians put their own needs and wants above those of their children, such as simply feeding them, then it is better to address this neglect, either through education or punitive measures.  

Those on the left diminish or do not believe that compulsorily funded state meals for children undermines parental responsibility, even though it fairly obviously does by feeding all children at school (as the predominantly middle class moans in recent weeks demonstrates). Their belief is that the utility of children being fed (and of course the argument is on the detail of what they are fed, and cost is not an issue for those who simply think the state should take the tax it needs to do what they want) outranks any other consideration.

Those on the right do not believe that the utility of feeding, essentially children from low-income families, does not justify forcing taxpayers to pay for feeding all children, and are suspicious of what happens next. Will taxpayers be forced to pay for "free" school clothes, "free" school transport  for families living close to public transport that goes to the school they choose) or more? All of this would mean less responsibility for parents to think about the needs of their children, and more taxes for everyone to pay.  Most would agree that it is ethical to help parents in need temporarily, and for there even to be assistance, whether charitable or not, for kids who don't get fed, but that isn't a universal meal programme.

Of course as a libertarian the idea taxpayers should be forced to pay to feed other people's children is morally unacceptable. If you want to help people with feeding their children, then feel free to do so, indeed that is the kind and caring thing to do.  There is no kindness in letting politicians raid money from other people, including those who disagree vehemently with the concept, to pay for a scheme organised by politicians and officials, rather than actually making a contribution yourself. 

A state big enough to feed children for one (some say two) meals a day, is big enough to parent them even more, and the record of the state as parent is woeful. 

Some conservatives think the socialist objective of free school meals is a plot to undermine the family, and make people more dependent on the state. I doubt that, although the willingness of so many to simply grow the state without any concern for the scale of its presence disturbs me.  The more of people's money that simply gets taken for other people to spend as they see fit, the less agency you have over your life, and the less accountability for it.  Whereas the more you have, the more options people have to advance their lives and those of their loved ones, and support those they want to.

What I think does matter is the issue of parental neglect.  After all, if parents can't do something as basic as provide a meal for their children above their own need for food, what else are they neglecting?  

Most parents dedicate their priorities to their children. They think of their children 24/7, they think of what they need and do what they can to provide. It's concerning if parents fail either by their own lack of competence or more insidiously, lack of care.  

More importantly, let's define what the problem actually is?

For decades the state didn't feed children at school, and did this generate a systemic problem that was distinguishable from the children routinely neglected by their parents?

Are there parents/guardians in such abject poverty that they haven't got a few dollars to provide a bowl of cereal with milk and fruit each morning (compared to everything else they buy)?  There probably are some, and in particular this probably happens over short periods for some families when there is unemployment or an emergency (e.g., having to move home, refridgerator 

If so, those people should be helped and targeted, because it doesn't just affect food, it affects everything else needed to raise those children adequately.

Are there parents/guardians who consistently neglect their children? Then they should be identified and appropriate carrots and sticks used to change their behaviour (both rewards and sanctions).

One of the single biggest factors for children failing are parents who neglect them materially and emotionally, and these are directly linked. Parents in material hardship do all they can to provide for their children, whether working or seeking charitable help directly or from family, friends and neighbours, and that should all be encouraged. It is entirely appropriate for people in need to seek temporary assistance. However those that do not do this, are either incapable of being parents or are simply negligent.

The kids in need should be helped, but the posturing over this programme, which papers over cracks that neither side in politics is keen to address (as the hard left regards personal responsibility to be a conspiracy and the hard right fears the state being a parent), is appalling.

It should be gradually wound down and replaced with a targeted programme organised by the schools themselves, out of their own budgets.  

05 March 2025

There's no leader of the free world anymore

Nobody who supports either free markets or the non-initiation of force principles can now think that the Trump Administration is an acolyte of either principle, even in a somewhat flawed way (as all governments that may advance in that direction are).  It's an incoherent mash of the feelings of two men who are more upset about their egos being offended, than either projecting an economic policy of demonstrable success or managing international relations based on strength against a weak (albeit dangerous) aggressor that embodies almost everything the United States has been against for decades.

The stupid trade war isn't about leverage to get other economies to open up, it is old fashioned autarky or even Kim Il Sung's fatuous "Juche Idea" (self reliance). It's the economics of hardened Marxists, and the economics of moronic economic nationalists like the bloviator Pat Buchanan. The tariffs wont replace income tax ( a line that some have trotted out) and will push up inflation in the US, and harm consumers and producers there, and the global economy.  However, Republicans are now embodying the economics of destroyers like Juan Peron, who helped take Argentina from being a rich country to being a poor one, through this sort of nonsense.  It will only be made worse by the EU and other developed countries responding in kind.

However, it is the moral depravity of the line on Ukraine which deserves the most approbrium.

There is no morality in surrendering to an aggressor all that it has won, so you have "peace" while it rebuilds its armed forces, rearms, and at the same time your erstwhile ally has blackmailed you into signing a predatory deal to hand over resources for the sake of vague promises of security.  Ukraine doesn't want to do that, but the new appeasers do.

The claim Trump makes about wanting to be even-handed between Russia and Ukraine is a complete moral inversion.  Whilst he has been excoriating about Zelensky, he has said nothing negative at all about Putin or the behaviour of Russia.  He has said little about what Russia should do, and little about what the US will do if Russia doesn't stop fighting. He has only demanded that Ukraine stop.

He talks of Ukraine gambling with World War Three which is absurd, given Ukraine alone, with ample military supplies has taken the war to a stalemate -  stalemate with Russia, because Russia's fighting capabilities are woeful. Without nuclear weapons, Russia would be easily overwhelmed with Western power, and pushed back.  Indeed given the US also has nuclear weapons, it could have simply declared it was controlling Ukrainian airspace given:

  • Russian military attack on a civilian airliner
  • Ukrainian Government invitation to protect it.

Would Russia really have launched a nuclear attack at that point, with the US drawing a clear line that it was defending the territorial integrity of the remainder of Ukraine from air power?

Who was gambling with World War Three the non-nuclear armed Ukraine trying to defend itself from a nuclear power??

Of course Ukraine should feel aggrieved. It has the world's third largest nuclear weapons cache when it became independent and it signed it all away based on promises from the US, Russia and the UK to protect its territorial integrity.  It was Barack Obama who neglected to follow up on that agreement when Russia started its attack on Crimea.  It was Joe Biden who continued to fail once the full blown invasion was launched.

The claims about NATO expansion being provocative are only claims that are echoed by hardcore communists, who pretend that NATO was a project to attack their beloved eastern bloc, not one to defend liberal democracies from it, or from fascist nationalists, who can't believe that countries that spent half a century under the jackboot of the Soviet Union (which they once professed to loathe) would want to be free of Russian imperialism forever more.

Of course Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia etc. do not want their independence threatened by an aggressive Russia - again - and if you dont think that is legitimate, then you're either a communist, or someone, like Hitler, who thinks you can make accommodations with a communist for your own political objectives.  Hating the European Union or "globalists" is all one thing, but if anyone who claims to believe in sovereign borders, the right of states to control their territory and be independent, thinks surrendering Ukraine is consistent with that, then it shows it up for all it is - desperate tribalist support for a US Administration that doesn't care about your beliefs when it suits it.

If territorial integrity of sovereign states doesn't matter to Ukraine, then maybe it doesn't matter anywhere that the Trump Administration doesn't care about, and that includes any country in Europe, or Australia, or New Zealand etc etc.

Of course everyone wants the war to end. It could end tomorrow if Putin just decided to end it, and withdraw, but he's a psychopathic kleptocrat who feeds young Russian men (from poor backgrounds) and North Korean men to their deaths.

Ukraine has been successful in knocking out much of Russia's military strength including knocking out  much of the Black Sea Fleet. Had it been armed more effectively it could have pushed back more inflicting more pain on Russia.

Trump doesn't like that though, because he wants economic relations with Russia.

Had Trump wanted to, he could have demonstrated strength against Russia and demanded concessions or significantly enhanced support for Ukraine, but instead he has demonstrated strength against Ukraine and made it into a supplicant, and emboldened Russia. 

If the war ends soon, on the basis of Russia giving up little, and there being no substantial security guarantees for Ukraine (including US direct military support), then it will prolong the inevitable. Russia can spend a few years rearming, and use its renewed economic potential after sanctions are lifted by the US, to steal military capability and be ready for another attack. It knows the US wont do much, and it doesn't fear European power. At that point, the cost not just to the Europe, but the world of letting it be known that the US is isolationist and wont act to protect any nation states from attack by Russia, is going to be much higher than the tens of billions taken to bolster Ukraine.

Even Marine Le Pen is critical of Trump on Ukraine, because by and large, European countries want to sure of defence against the predatory criminal gangster state to the east, which treats its neighbours with impunity.

Perhaps a deal will be struck, perhaps not and Europe will do all it can to support Ukraine, regardless, it is now a time for small countries everywhere to acknowledge that it's all on now - the US doesn't care if you are attacked, you have to fend for yourselves with any other allies.

There is no "leader of the free world" anymore.

23 February 2025

Trump Derangement Syndrome

It's been three years since Russia invaded Ukraine, seeking to take Kyev and reconquer it.

I was, late last year, rather pleased Trump beat Harris in the US elections. It demonstrated that voters wouldn't be treated as if what they think and feel don't matter.  With record numbers of black and Latino voters picking Trump over Harris, the identitarianism of the hard left was given short shrift.  Domestically, there was some promise that Trump could overhaul the US Federal Government in spending and regulatory terms, and the nihilistic critical constructivist culture that sought to right past wrongs through discrimination over merit. The hard left attempt to replace the identitarianism of the past with an identitarianism of the future, based on a hierarchy of oppressor vs. oppressed (within which Jews and poor white trailer park men are oppressors, and wealthy African American entrepreneurs are oppressed) might be broken down by the Trump Administration.

The biggest negative until this week was the economic illiteracy around tariffs.  It's so outrageously stupid the thinking around trade protectionism that it barely deserves a response.  If it were about leverage to open up markets and break the back of the protectionist rackets of the EU and India, it might be one thing, but it's a brainless attempt to "bring back jobs" regardless of the cost, and somehow raise revenue.  Of course some argue that the US Federal Government was once funded by tariffs with no income tax, but there is zero prospect of income tax being abolished, so it remains a measure to tax imports, hike up inflation, punish consumers and ensure the US is less and less competitive internationally.

However that's small fry compared to the moral turpitude around Ukraine.

Ukraine gained independent with the dissolution of the USSR, a point in history anyone with a belief in liberal democracy, individual rights and freedoms and belief in human self-determination would celebrate. Vladimir Putin didn't of course.

Ukraine inherited borders from the USSR, as did all of the former Soviet Republics. It made sense because there is no shortage of potential disputes around people split between sovereign states. Besides the Governments of Russia, the USA and UK agreed to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine (and Belarus and Kazakhstan) in exchange for the three former Soviet republics surrendering the Soviet nuclear arsenal based on their territory.  After all, there was genuine fear of nuclear proliferation.

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances signed in 1994 was an agreement that the parties would:

Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders (in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act).

Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories to the memorandum, and undertake that none of their weapons will ever be used against these countries, except in cases of self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

Refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.

Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to the signatory if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".

Not to use nuclear weapons against any non–nuclear-weapon state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a state in association or alliance with a nuclear weapon state.

Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments

Russia broke this agreement in February 2014 by invading Ukraine, first to annex Crimea and again in early 2022. The United States broke this agreement by not guaranteeing Ukraine's borders.

Now Trump has decided to shred what remains of this.

Obama was the start, he ridiculed Mitt Romney warning of Russia being a looming threat. 

Then Obama did little to respond to Putin's invasion of Crimea. Biden's response to the invasion of the rest of Ukraine was more significant, but ultimately was weak. It wasn't to provide air cover, it wasn't to provide the weapons he could, it was to do enough to constrain what Putin could do, and now its over.

There is a line of US self-styled conservative thinking that ranging from loving to being sympathetic to Putin. Why? Because he's a strong man who "defends his country" against "Islam" and in favour of "Christian values". Values that seem to include rampant kleptocracy and Soviet style oppression of dissent.

Some are actual far-right fascists, who yearn for a strongman to jackboot his way through their country, poison and arrest opponents, shut down protests and enforce a traditional view of the role of women, an avowedly anti-homosexual position and embrace an expansionist shameless view of the power of their beloved nation state.  Others are contrarians, who see Putin pushing back against "globalism" (whatever that means), and regard the European Union to be more authoritarian and malign than a virtual one-party state run by a permanent President who runs his country as a mafia state. Of course there is plenty of room to criticise the European Union, but the intellectual vacuum that sees criticism of policy in Western Europe as justifying a war of aggression against Ukraine is eye-watering.

Likewise is seeing the flaws of Ukrainian liberal democracy as being morally equivalent to Russia's kleptocratic totalitarianism. An argument can readily be made to critique the approach of the Biden Administration, but to turn reality into an inversion as the Trump Administration is doing harks of the perversions of the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.

The idea Ukraine started the war is deranged. Ukraine was not run by a Nazi, and Russians in Ukraine faced no existential threat from the Government. Indeed Russians in Russia face MORE threat from the jackbooted tyranny of the FSB than they do in Ukraine. We shouldn't forget of course that one of Russia's proxies before invading Ukraine proper did shoot down a civilian airliner murdering all of its passengers and crew.

The moral relativists in Washington DC have blanked out flight MH17, just a lot of Dutch people, Asians and Australians after all. 

The deluded concern about NATO expansion, as if NATO has ever threatened Russia and as if ANY country actually has an interest in invading it.  This is Russian nationalist hysteria.  See how Sweden and Finland have joined NATO and Russia barely blinked an eye.  Ultra-nationalists are prone to delusions about conspiracies to destroy their beloved people, and this is one.  The truth of NATO is that it remains because the Soviet Union's former empire doesn't want to go back to being a part of it, and Russia has not successfully deradicalised itself from its past eras of totalitarian irredentism.  Lithuania, Romania, Poland and even Ukraine purged themselves of their past under one of the world's most murderous and morally bankrupt regimes, but Russia is led by a man who misses that.

What Trump has done is invert the moral order.  At the very core of modern international law is the belief that the sovereign state is inviolate and it is a fundamental breach of the international order for one national army to invade the territory of another.  This has only happened because the USA and Europe refused to deter Russia invading its near neighbours, and the consequence are where we are.  However, it is entirely Russia's fault for being an aggressive imperialist invading force.

If the 21st century international order is that naked aggression by a nuclear power, on a much smaller, benign peaceful country, is to be shrugged about and rewarded by another nuclear power, with that other one seeking to do a deal to literally plunder the victim's property indefinitely, it isn't "order". It is a neo-feudalism of bullies, and the only defence against that is offence.  It is the acquisition of the greatest of weapons, nuclear, to deter anyone.  It makes the world a more dangerous place. 

Trump's position is also contradictory.  As Janet Daley said in the Daily Telegraph:

Trump and Vance claim that Putin is not a threat to the West, that his military operations in Ukraine are simply a defence against attacks by Zelensky’s illegitimate regime. This is wickedly fallacious as a factual account of events, and the conclusion that apparently follows is blatantly self-contradictory.

In the very same pronouncements in which they proclaim Vladimir Putin’s benign intentions, the Trump-Vance team excoriate European leaders for failing to increase their defence spending and properly arm themselves against threats to Nato. But if Russia is an innocent victim and Putin is not an aggressor, where does the danger to Europe come from?

Either Putin is a peace-loving, reasonable interlocutor with whom we (which is to say, Trump) can do business – in which case Europe need not worry about increasing its defences – or he is determined to reclaim as much of Eastern Europe as he can seize – in which case the complicity of the Trump government is shameful.

Which is it? Is Putin a blameless, misunderstood victim and we can all go back to blithely spending our peace dividend on lavish welfare systems, or is he a malign actor who is an active threat to Nato countries, which must rearm as quickly as possible at their own expense?

And how can this instruction to Nato members to rearm at any cost be consistent with Trump’s support for the Russian claim that it is Nato expansion that is the cause of the recent conflict? Surely a rapid rearming of Nato members would justify Putin’s paranoia.

It also makes the United States a fickle ally. This deranged set of contradictions has no coherence.  The likely outcome is that European countries will increase their military capability, which will upset Russia, and they could provide more military support to Ukraine as well.  The unwillingness to call out any of Russia's actions seems difficult to comprehend, unless it has underlying it, either a sympathy for Putin or an interest in simply surrendering and withdrawing out of fear - the fear that doing anything else will cost the US money or lives.

It is a new isolationism for the US, although this is not new for the country.

Furthermore is the bizarre demand that Ukraine pay the US for the cost of the support the US provided for it to defend itself.  It is an inversion of the demands of Germany after WW1, which was forced to pay reparations to the Allies for starting the war.  This of course turned Germans to be ultra-nationalists, to resist the economic and national shame.  The Nazis came from that.  

Should Israel or Egypt be worried? Both have received billions in military aid over decades from the US, but will Trump demand half of Israel's GDP be handed over to pay the US back for its support? If not, why not by this measure? Why should Ukraine be punished for taking what a previous Administration had granted it? Besides, given the US shows little interest in actually protecting Ukraine from a future Russian invasion, it is difficult to trust that the Trump Administration would actually do anything if Russia tried again.

It's simple now The US cannot be trusted to defend its allies, it cannot be trusted to even advocate for the basic rules of the international system.  It is no longer a bullwark for liberal democracies, when it judges Ukraine and ignores Russia.

What should happen is Trump should threaten Russia with tougher sanctions, with NATO membership for Ukraine, a no-fly zone and greater help unless Russia withdraws. It should be simple, because it is.  It could show the backbone of Ronald Reagan, of JFK, of Harry Truman. It could because Putin is a bluffing minnow.   

What looks like happening is that Ukraine will be dismembered, all because of a deranged fetishisation of a short thieving psychopath, and a moronic disregard for an international order that for, better and for worse, kept the peace by and large.

The only real hope is that this is a lot of bluster and rhetoric.  If it really is, it's quite some technique in diplomatic bombast and disruption.

Sadly I think it is a New New World Order, and it has no real coherent order at all.  What it means for those wanting peace and security, is that they will have to pay a lot more for it.

Yes New Zealand it means 2% of GDP on defence within five years, but it also means Japan, South Korea, European NATO, and many others are going to be spending a lot more. 

The peace dividend of the end of the Cold War is well and truly over.

12 February 2025

Forget Goldsmith's media proposals

Since the Ministry of Culture and Heritage (MCH) (in itself a rather Soviet sounding name for a Ministry) took over broadcasting policy from what is now the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Enterprise (MBIE), it has had a policy culture that is quite distinctly interventionist. It’s proposals for “modern media legislation” (one should always be suspicious of anyone claiming that their policy preferences are “modern”, which essentially means next to nothing) are worth reviewing because they reflect the lobbying of vested interests in the uneconomic media industry to try to compete with the media the public actually prefer.

I recall around 28 years ago being in a meeting in the then Ministry of Commerce (MBIE’s predecessor) where a manager had set up a PC to run the RealAudio streaming application to play live radio from around the world. He said at the time that this was the future and it would change broadcasting forever. He was right of course, and while some media have survived and been able to find niches (notably consolidation of commercial radio), others have struggled, such as newspapers and free to air television (the latter in part surviving in part due to politicians not seeking to take dividends from Television New Zealand).

Thirty to forty years ago, media for information (news) and media for entertainment were somewhat distinct. Newspapers were the prime authority for news, followed by news oriented radio and then television news broadcasts. It started to change when the Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand was split into TVNZ and RNZ, and TVNZ was given carte blanche to respond to competition, of which it had years to plan for, as TV3 got its licence to operate following a tortuous beauty contest. TV3 essentially revealed in public what it would be showing to viewers well in advance of launching, and TVNZ then made sure it could buy up loads of competing content to undermine it, and it succeeded. At the time TV news was dumbed down deliberately.  Local news was scrapped, and the focus was on the approach of local US TV news broadcasts, focusing on making the news “relevant” and “easy to digest”. A big emphasis was on stories that had dramatic video footage and were easy to understand (disasters, crime, celebrities, sports victories/losses and war footage). The idea being to present a “narrative” of “isn’t that awful” (mostly) or “fantastic”, and leaving complexities around events, particularly public policy and international relations aside. The dumbed down TVNZ news won, and today this remains.

Today people largely obtain news and entertainment online because most people can access the content they want in seconds on multiple devices. If news happens, it is reported through news websites and through social media. Moreover, entertainment largely comes from overseas, whether self-made content on social media, or large boxset productions from the rest of the Anglosphere.

Needless to say the great successes of the likes of Amazon Prime and Netflix have upset those who built careers upon the myth that culture has some nationalist basis for it – the local production industry. Most people no more care about watching programming that is local than they do about listening to local music. People like what they like, and that is not to say there isn’t local content that can be and is successful, but the judgment as to what is good and what is not, is entirely in the eyes and ears of the beholder. Note also that blogging, micro-blogging (X) and the like are all part of this. There are neither state nor indeed financial barriers to most people being able to write, record and publish whatever they like (within the bounds of criminal law). Whereas before people needed to set up a printed magazine or convince an editor to let them write for it, or go on an Access radio station (or buy a frequency from the 1990s onwards), now the barriers to publishing are very low indeed.

Protectionists, legacy medai and politicians with a bent for influencing the public don’t like it that much.

Media and Communications Minister Paul Goldsmith has decided to release a discussion document with five proposals to "save local media". It reflects a very shallow approach to public policy in this space.

MCH’s five proposals are justified by the following statement:

New Zealand’s media and content production sectors are facing an uphill battle to remain viable in an increasingly globalised and continually evolving landscape.

Less local content is being commissioned and is no longer reaching local audiences on all platforms. Seeing and hearing our stories and voices has cultural and societal benefits

I’d suggest the uphill battle is simply due to the public not responding to what they produce.  The truth is there is a lot of local content, it just isn’t being commissioned by traditional broadcasters or the State subsidising outlets. I would wager that more NZers than ever before are writing, recording music or videos and publishing them than ever before. Sure much or indeed most of it is trivial and inconsequential, but what matters the most us that people ARE producing content, it just doesn’t meet the standards of public servants. However that last sentence is of course revealing of how empty these proposals are.

What are “our stories”?  We all have stories, I could if I wanted to, write everyday stories and the 90% or so of the population with computers, tablets or mobile phones could do so, and in fact many do. Tens, hundreds and in some cases thousands read or listen to them.  What are the “cultural and economic benefits” of ignoring this in favour of what is essentially a protectionist industry wanting other people’s money taken from them by force, to prop them up because the public isn’t willing to pay for their content voluntarily?

The state hasn’t stepped in to save newspapers, nor book or magazine publishers, so why should it step in to save video and film producers?

So what are the proposals?

Proposal 1 : Ensuring accessibility of local media platforms

This proposal says everything about how out of touch MCH is. It is to force manufacturers of smart TVs (not tablets or laptops or phones) to carry apps of traditional NZ broadcasters. Notwithstanding that many people don’t consume most of their content on smart TVs (MCH isn’t stupid enough to force all laptops to have apps pre-installed), the idea this would make any meaningful difference is ludicrous.  Of course Australia has such a rule, but it has two large state taxpayer funded broadcasters, and a state-mandated oligopoly of free to air broadcasters (only three are allowed), so it has long been highly protectionist of the commercial TV industry, enriching its owners. A survey in Australia suggests a third of owners of Smart TVs don’t know how to download apps. Well I’d suggest the same applies to laptops and even mobile phones. Why don’t the broadcasters find ways to help people do it? Why must the state mandate manufacturers do it for our small market? What about radios being pre-programmed into local stations, or smart speakers having apps for RNZ, Newstalk ZB etc?

MCH stretches a real long-bow to suggest that not doing this might “undermine democracy”.

Given that local platforms host the vast majority of local content, decreased engagement means that audiences are missing out on important societal and cultural benefits. In turn, decreased audience engagement affects TV broadcaster revenue and brand value, reducing their ability to make local content and remain financially viable. If there were fewer local broadcasters/platforms in New Zealand, this would create specific consequences for plurality and therefore accountability in terms of the vital role local news and current affairs coverage (from a variety of sources) plays in a well-functioning democracy.

This is false, as the vast majority of local content is hosted on foreign platforms like Youtube, Instagram and X, it’s just that the traditional broadcasters and public servants don’t recognise the content produced outside their contracts and visibility. This is a claim that without forcing Smart TVs to have TV apps, it makes them less financially viable and would undermine the “vital role local news and current affairs coverage” plays in a well-functioning democracy. Hold on. You already own RNZ and make all taxpayers fund it.  There is next to no local news (not national news) on TV today.  You’d have to be awfully naïve to think forcing LG to put the TVNZ app on its TVs will save the death of TVNZ’s news (noting TVNZ already decided to withdraw from X, for nakedly political reasons – it doesn’t like its owner and being challenged on it constantly for its statist centre-left bias). 

Proposal 2: Increasing investment into and discoverability of local content

This is proposing to force streaming platforms and TV broadcasters to waste their own money on what MCH’s falsely calls “investment” into the local content MCH approves of.  This is a naked attempt by the failing, already subsidised local screen production industry to force successful businesses to prop them up. It is equivalent to forcing book publishers to publish books that hardly anyone wants to buy, or in forcing theatres to host shows hardly anyone wants to attend. 

The definition of ‘local content’ is intended to capture content that reflects New Zealand stories, places, voices, and faces. Relevant factors could include if the subject of the content is New Zealand or New Zealanders, if New Zealanders hold key roles in production and if it is filmed in New Zealand.

Every time you post videos of your family or friends doing something, it is local content, but that doesn’t count to the MCH. It shows MCH is beholden to the local production industry,and is fundamentally protectionist. This proposal should be thrown in the bin on merit alone, but it fails even further.

New Zealand’s CER agreement with Australia including commitments on audio-visual services which around 25 years ago saw New Zealand TV programmes being deemed to be “Australian” for the purposes of Australian TV stations complying with the country’s local content quota. It is entirely plausible that if this proposal proceeds, that the platforms could all simply pass on Australian content on the basis that CER grants free trade in audio-visual services and give Australian content “National Treatment”.  Furthermore, NZ’s commitments under the WTO Agreement on Trade in Services also include granting national treatment to foreign audio-visual service content, so that other countries could demand that the requirement for New Zealand content actually covers them as well. In short, according to New Zealand’s international trade agreements, the proposal could be meaningless. 

Proposal 3 : Increase captioning and audio description

Mandating this wont do anything to support local content at all, and will actually load more costs on production, which shows how utterly incoherent these proposals are. Weirdly MCH is concerned about the legal consequences of New Zealand not complying with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It’s clearly a sop to some lobbying, but given it runs completely contradictory to the earlier proposals (although there is obviously some merit to this for some people with disabilities), it makes little sense being here.

Proposal 4 : Modernising professional media regulation

In short, the proposal is to expand the scope of the increasingly irrelevant Broadcasting Standards Authority (a better proposal would be to scrap it) to “ensuring positive system-level outcomes”, whatever that means. It would apply to all “Professional Media” whatever that is other than “organisations that commission, produce, or directly pay for media content and distribute it as their primary business”. 

This is clarified further as:

including New Zealand broadcasters and streaming platforms, global streaming platforms, online text-based media, newspapers, and magazines.

not including online platforms that primarily host user-generated content or provide access to others’ content, such as social media (like Facebook and TikTok) and search engines (like Google).

Online text based media? Yet not platforms that host user-generated content? Where's the line between those?

This is unnecessary and intrusive. There was once arguably a role for the BSA when free to air TV was dominant and children in particular could be exposed to content unsuitable for them at certain times. However, this is now an anachronism. Parental neglect and naivety todays means many children get exposed to content that would never be seen on Pay TV let alone free to air TV, and the MCH wants to retain and expand the BSA. At best this is silly and futile, at worst there is something sinister and frightening about the call for a wider media regulator. Of course, the MCH didn’t consider abolishing the BSA.  It should be abolished and be simply replaced it with a basic code of practice as a condition of using radio frequencies.  Every other content that passes over the internet should not be subject to more regulation than any other.  

Proposal 5: Streamline Crown content funders

Also could be called merge state subsidisers of preferred content. It is essentially to merge the Film Commission and NZ On Air. I’d abolish them both, as they aren’t needed, there being no more reason for taxpayers to fund TV programmes and films they aren’t willing to pay for, than for them to fund books, haute couture fashion, posters or New Zealand made porn.  MCH didn’t consider this, because it thinks the content that most New Zealanders aren’t willing to pay for, let alone watch in numbers that are attractive to advertisers, is “inherently” some sort of public good. 

What should be done instead?

Stop trying to save something that people don’t want. The Broadcasting Standards Authority should be wound down, and made into a private industry body like the Advertising Standards Authority. That means broadcasters can choose to belong to it, and restructure broadcasting licences to ensure some very basic standards of freedom of speech and protection against defamation and inciting violence.

NZ On Air should be wound down as well. It should be phased out, and if RNZ is to continue to be subsidised, it should be funded directly from the MCH. There is no need to continue to force taxpayers to fund specific content. The Film Commission similarly so. 

Privatise TVNZ. Start by offering shares to every citizen equally and let the public dispose of those shares if they wish.  Beyond a heritage function, for which it might be funded from taxes, it should be unshackled from the state. 

Shift media policy from MCH to MBIE.  Media is a business and deserves oversight by a Ministry that is business oriented, not one that is a taxpayer funded lobbyist for the industry of dress-up and make-believe.

There is a debate to be had as to whether taxpayers should be forced to pay for content they don't want to pay for or don't consume, that's where the focus should be. MCH assumes this is the majority or dominant view, and that is simply wrong. MCH has proven itself to be a poor custodian of the media sector and is beholden to the pleadings of those simply wanted their businesses to be propped up by subsidies either directly from taxpayers or from businesses that provide content people actually want to pay for.

Most of these proposals had their genesis under the Ardern/Hipkins Government as can be seen in the Briefing for the Incoming Minister (PDF). Make of that as you wish, but it demonstrates an ongoing philosophical belief in the role of a interventionist state in forcing others to pay for the production of content that MCH thinks is good for people.

You have until 23 March to submit on these proposals, go right ahead. 

03 February 2025

Ignore the privatisation scaremongerers

I remember the time before what socialists call the “neo-liberal” era which “sold out” the country to “rampant capitalism”. Sure I was at school, at the time when people and businesses had to plan weeks ahead to get the Post Office to install a phone line (no mobile phones then, as the Post Office hadn’t deemed that to be appropriate until 1987, even though Australia had had a limited carphone mobile service from 1981 and the UK had launched mobile telephony in 1985).

It was an era when the 100% state owned Air NZ had to get Cabinet approval to buy new airliners, and was made to buy Rolls Royce engines for its Boeing 747s, because it was thought it might improve trade prospects more generally, even though the airline had the spares and the staff training for General Electric engines (and the Board had recommended such aircraft). Such is the ways of nationalised industries.

It was also an era when phones calls beyond your local calling area (which in Wellington did not include Kapiti) cost tens of cents a minute, so a ten minute call (remember no SMS or email) to Auckland might cost several dollars. Phone calls internationally cost dollars a minute, so twice a year my grandmother would talk to her sister in Scotland, for birthdays, for around 10 minutes. Those calls cost $30-$40, and it wasn’t because of technology, it was because the Post Office used money from phone calls to cross subsidise its unprofitable postal monopoly. Then there was the Post Office Savings Bank, a government bank that at a time of double digit inflation had children’s “savings” accounts paying 2% interest. Effectively a scheme for the state to steal savings from children, but hey it wasn’t privatised nor “foreign-owned” (strange how supposedly “anti-racist” socialists are so agitated about foreigners when they own businesses they use), so it was great - the socialists got kids' money to spend on "the People" (which is of course what they always say).

Wellingtonians 40 plus might remember the Wellington domestic terminal, later the Air NZ domestic terminal, which on a windy wet day would leak, with the lino floor flooded, being drafty with not enough seats for people waiting for flights. Until (foreign and local capitalist owned) Ansett NZ was allowed to fly domestically, all jet flights were boarded through steps in the wintery Wellington windy rain. The Government and Wellington City Council argued over decades about who should pay for a new one. They would also remember Wellington City Transport, which was 100% owned by the City Council and subsidised by ratepayers, so that on Sunday evenings hardly any buses ran at all, all of the routes terminated in the city centre (needed more buses and drivers for that, and the Tramways Union would hold the city to ransom if it didn’t get what it wanted). New buses required the Council to order them, and as a result the fleet would be on its last legs before new vehicles would get ordered. 30 year old diesel buses would be operating (the economic life of a diesel bus is around 15 years) and of course Wellington’s trolley bus infrastructure would be patched up for decades.

None of this is reflected on by Max Rashbrooke in the Spinoff. He wrote a piece last week that followed on from the rather awkward set of comments between David Seymour, Chris Luxon and Nicola Willis which indicated various interest in looking at further privatisation, but unfortunately Rashbrooke didn’t demonstrate a great deal of depth in thinking. Most of it was parroting the claims and slogans of former union economist Bill Rosenberg, and high level papers written overseas by leftwing researchers.  

I couldn't resist, it was so full of nonsense, it deserves a response:

- Privatised TranzRail had an appalling safety record, its staff dying at work at eight times the national average. And while cutting maintenance to a level Rosenberg labelled “abysmal”” What was the safety record before privatisation, before SOE status, before corporatisation (before there was safety regulation of rail)? Rosenberg, a former CTU economist bases the maintenance level on “what”? Bear in mind that in 1984 Booz Allen reported on how the rail network had been over-maintained in places, but also how 

- Fay Richwhite and their fellow owners took out at least $370m in profits from a firm for which they had paid just $328m”. Dividends over a 12 year period, but of course taxpayers have never taken a dividend from Kiwirail or NZRC, ever. Socialists need to decide if the state owning trading enterprises is to make money from them for “the People”, or for them to be moneypits for the “Public Good”, but that isn’t clear.  Truth is most are primarily commercial but they might want certain services delivered at taxpayer expense, but this doesn’t require entire operations to be operated Soviet style.

- Helen Clark’s Labour government was then forced to repurchase the railways, creating KiwiRail as we now know it. The whole episode cost the state around $4bn, according to then business commentator Brian Gaynor”. Nobody was forced to repurchase it, in fact there were three transactions from buying the Auckland track for $81m (Treasury valued it at $20m), buying the network and then buying the whole business. If nothing had happened, it still would exist, it just would have seen a series of lines close that carry little traffic, and the state has poured much more into Kiwirail since.  For what end though?

- Profits flowing offshore to wealthy interests rather than ordinary New Zealanders” What profits? Kiwirail has never generated a dividend, and besides “ordinary New Zealanders” wouldn’t get it, it would go to the Minister of Finance to wash in with other spending.

- The maddest examples have come when monopolies – water, rail – have been sold to private firms, even though competition is the only thing that makes markets work” Rail isn’t a monopoly, and in NZ water hasn’t been privatised (and corporatisation was opposed by economists like Rosenberg in the 1990s, see the resistance of the Alliance to the creation of Watercare Services, and demonstrates the utter failure of the socialist model of democratic control of the provision of services.  

- A private monopoly is the worst of both worlds: no competition-based incentives to improve, and no public-good ethos pushing the organisation to look out for citizens’ interests”. Do tell us about this public-good ethos, the one that saw the Post Office take weeks to install phone lines, that gouged consumers for toll calls, that saw rampant theft of freight on the railways as a monopoly government department (it had a statutory monopoly until 1983 on long haul freight), the Post Office Savings Bank that gave kids 2% interest on savings accounts when inflation was in double digits. Please!

- in the UK, privatised railways have been such a disaster – massively increasing costs with no corresponding rise in quality”. If you think rail travel in the UK is no different in quality today compared to the era of British Rail you need help. By any measure, frequency, number of routes, reliability, speed and capacity, and indeed patronage (which has grown to record level turning round decades of patronage decline), it is a remarkable transformation. Yes subsidies have spiralled as well, but it’s overly simplistic to think the UK has a private rail system now, as Network Rail effectively renationalised the network over 20 years ago, and most services are franchised (with the franchisees either paying to operate services on routes that are commercially viable, or pay to operate those that are not). Furthermore, rail freight volumes have increased 80% since 1983, hardly a failure if a key goal is to shift more freight off of congested roads. Socialists (mainly the unions that can’t shut down the entire system with a strike anymore) say privatisation didn’t cause the rise in patronage, but if privatisation “harmed” services, wouldn’t people have just abandoned rail in favour of buses and driving? Well of course they didn’t.  The system has been highly flawed, that’s for sure, mainly because it is highly politicised and Train Operating Companies have been poorly incentivised to control costs (because their main client isn’t their customers but the state), but that’s an argument for less state control, not renationalisation.  As usual, it's much more complex than simple slogans

- "Even worse has been the privatisation of British water services, whereby firms have extracted tens of billions of pounds in shareholder dividends, hiked water fees and discharged large amounts of effluent into local waterways." Yet DIA’s own report on the Three Waters reforms noted the performance of English water companies exceeded that of any in New Zealand, and Scottish Water. A huge amount of investment has gone into renewing water infrastructure in England, in fact OfWat requires it, and regulates water user fees. New Zealand HAS the model the UK had before privatisation and it’s an abject failure. NZ has local democratic control of the water and waste water system, and it is falling apart in many centres. It doesn’t generate dividends, it charges people based on the value of their property, not what they use, and effluent gets discharged into waterways regularly.  We have socialist water and it doesn’t work. 

- "Privatised bus companies, the OECD concluded, are cheaper than public ones only because they cut wages." This is simply false. The OECD did not conclude that, the link is to a report on a roundtable discussion involving case studies in four countries, three in Europe, plus the USA (which has few privatised urban bus services). It is not an official report from the OECD. EVEN then it said that private operators can be more innovative than public ones. The idea you can compare the performance of the Yellow Bus Company in Auckland in the 90s (let alone the ARA), or Wellington City Transport in the 1980s to their equivalents today is extraordinary.  When bus services were moved into the contracting model, there were savings of around 15-20% which enabled more routes and frequencies to be offered, but it did stop the Tramways Union from being able to shut down an entire bus network when it didn’t get what it wanted.  

- "Even when three of them were fully state-owned, the “gentailers” that supply our electricity were able to operate rather like a cartel, generating excess profits and freezing out potential competitors." Wait what? So it ISN’T state ownership you oppose, it is running trading enterprises as “enterprises”. So you don’t want the state to make dividends from its businesses?  Well we did the socialist model before, for decades. It saw massive investment in generating capacity (politicians liked power stations then), but let the local distribution network fall apart (politicians don’t like charging people for what they use), a bit like water.  Were they operating as a cartel? Well shouldn’t the Commerce Commission be dealing with that, in which case, maybe this claim of it being a cartel (which is serious), is actually not true? Maybe if they were all fully private, they could be properly subject to scrutiny because politicians wouldn’t be worried about loss of dividends.  In fact there may be a case for structural separation of generation from retail, but that's about ownership.  Not a lot of coherence in the issue here is there?

- US healthcare – not voucher-based, admittedly, but the nearest thing the developed world has to a private health system – is a catastrophe. It’s not the nearest thing the developed world has to a private health system, as there are umpteen other examples. Nobody, literally nobody advocating for more market-oriented healthcare thinks the over-regulated, highly subsidised US model (Medicare and Medicaid are uncapped liabilities to US taxpayers) is a model for anyone to follow, but it doesn’t stop socialists from the Anglosphere blanking out Switzerland, France, Singapore or the Netherlands. Australia’s system is a mixed model, but that doesn’t fit the narrative.

After all of this selective agitprop (yes education vouchers “fail” but let’s not mention Sweden which to this day maintains one of the most open market education systems in the world, but that doesn’t fit either), we get the philosophy:

There is a basic philosophical issue: public services – health, education – are things people deserve as of right, as a basic entitlement of citizenship. They are not the equivalent of buying, say, another item of clothing, and treating them as mere consumer goods risks degrading their deep importance.

Hold on, most of this article focuses on railways, then water, and talks about electricity, then ends with health and education.  Is the claim that the state has to provide everything that is a “basic entitlement of citizenship”? Should the state own all housing? Should the farms be state owned and all food supplied by state shops (after all food is MORE important than health and education, because most can last months or years without health and education, nobody can last more than weeks without food)?  The sneering comment that “treating them as mere consumer goods” says a lot about attitudes, that when the public are allowed to choose it is “degrading”. Really?

If, as is often the case, privatisation means charging for something once paid out of taxes, it is likely to have a harmful effect on poorer households.  Why? Because poorer households use the most electricity, rail freight or water? Of course they don’t, but is the argument here that everything people need should be free at the point of use, but that half the population should pay taxes so the others don’t?  We can see what “free” water has done to demand for it, and the infrastructure. We see it with roads everyday where consumers aren’t exposed directly to the costs of what they use, with the result of queuing. Public health systems are all about queuing after all, socialists seem to think that is fair, as long as the workers get paid well, the workers not in those systems should be grateful “is isn’t ‘Merica”!

You see the problem is, the common people are stupid and ignorant, whereas public servants, producer unions (especially those run by people paid much more than the average wage) and politicians are enlightened, capable and benevolent…

People don’t generally know what healthcare they need; in education, research suggests “competition” between schools is often driven either by parents making calls based on external factors like uniforms, or by prejudiced views about keeping their kids away from certain other children.  

Well just give them what you think they deserve, parents are incompetent clearly. The state should probably feed kids too (already started with that). Parents must make lots of bad calls too, so maybe the state should buy groceries, buy clothes, maybe run activities for the children to keep fit and socialise, maybe ensure they don’t have “prejudiced views”, maybe build a sense of community. Maybe we can call them Brigades, give them uniforms. Maybe they can help identify grownups who express “hateful and harmful” views. You can see where this attitude that parents know least can head, but it is exactly the arrogance of people who think because some parents make poor choices, none should be allowed to. 

I could go on, there is a misconstruing of how Telecom performed in the 1990s (which from a consumer point of view saw prices plummet across almost all services, essentially enabling people to communicate across the country and internationally affordably for the first time). 

The only interesting part of the article is the claim that if only the public could be “involved” in the decision-making of state owned organisations they could be more responsive.  This is quaint but delusional.  Most people have the time to work, look after their families and then spend quality time enjoying themselves. A small, but vocal minority get involved in activism and inevitably those who will shout the most and get involved the most will be those with spare time or motivation, either because of their political ideology or in many cases simply having time because they are retired or not working. The citing of the “successful German model” for electricity companies is laughable given some of the highest electricity prices for consumers in the EU. If that's success I'd stick with the status quo thank you very much.

It ends with this “We could also entrust frontline public servants with more responsibility, putting them in charge of locating efficiencies and potential innovations” Sure, because public servants are well known to be at the frontline of identifying the most efficient ways of doing things, and innovating with technology and service delivery, that’s why they have jobs they rarely can lose, and don’t get paid based on performance. It's naive at best.

I get that socialists hate private enterprise at worst or are highly sceptical of it. What I don’t get are the absolutely contorted contradictions of, on the one hand hating private enterprise making a lot of money from former state enterprises, and then not wanting the state to make money from them (but rather for taxpayers to subsidise them, for no clear aim other than to make sure people don’t pay for what they use).  I absolutely don’t understand how intelligent people who purport to be interested in public policy outcomes parrot agitprop slogans from trade unions.  What is the point of the state owning Kiwirail? Is it to get more freight on rail and off of roads? If so, is that the best way to do it?  None of this is clear.  What is the point of the state owning a power company? To make it cheaper for some consumers? To reduce emissions (which will make it more expensive for someone)?  Nobody knows.

Socialists have successfully scaremongered about privatisation in NZ for decades. This scaremongering stopped water getting reformed in the 1990s outside Auckland, and has stopped serious reform of ACC, and making the electricity market more competitive (by the state not having a stake in generation and retail). It’s largely banal slogans pushed by Marxists with a strong vibe of xenophobia, and it deserves to remain back in the 1990s with the Alliance.

POSTSCRIPT: By the way, I am not in favour of privatising prisons. The state has a core function to protect law and order, and to protect citizens from the initiation of violence by individuals and state.  Politicians and public servants should be held accountable for the success and failure of managing them, and with the monopoly of the legal power to incarcerate people being quite unique, passing that responsibility to a business - regardless of efficiency - dilutes that accountability.