Showing posts with label Comedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comedy. Show all posts

19 February 2009

Yes we can!

As US comedians find it hard to parody the new personality cult President, it is unclear exactly why other than sympathy, fear of being called racist or just not being imaginative.

Tim Blair in the Sydney Morning Herald asks why this is the case. However he did also find that the Japanese are laughing at him - though, admittedly, if you know Japanese this will be funnier for more than 30 seconds.

(Hat Tip: Tim Blair)

03 December 2007

Have I got news for you

Damned thing wont post but there is buckets of this show on youtube.

Start with Boris Johnson hosting here from two years ago, this is absolutely magic. The man IS the best chance Londoners have of unseating Red Ken Livingstone - frankly, if as Mayor of London he spends more time hosting this show, I think we'll all be winners!

Is there political satire in NZ on TV yet? Can you imagine any MPs participating?