Cactus Kate has the case of the Kahui twins in one. What pieces of shit.
A "closely knit family" who Mafia like are now keeping their mouths shut about who murdered these two. This happens time and time again, and it is only the kids who die that we get to hear about. How many get brain damaged, or get badly injured and just go through life without a chance?
Tariana Turia is no better. As Lindsay Mitchell has noted Turia's comments:
"She says the case points up the need for better understanding of families under pressure."
What evil appeasing nonsense. This is possibly one of the most endemic problems for Maori - the abuse within families that goes unspoken, protected and shielded- the risk of being disowned and ostracised by families for speaking up and talking to the Police about Uncle Charlie the rapist or Aunt Sheila who kicks her kids. Close extended families can be both a blessing and a hell.
I understand the Kahui's - they care as much about their kids as any child abuser - this family is not a family, it is a bunch of dysfunctional adults abusing children. The children should be taken away and there should be a sentence which bars anyone convicted of physical abuse of children from having custody of anyone under 16. Remove the children, adopt them out. I want to hear no bleating and cries of "breaking up the family" - the people who procreated these children have lost the right to be parents.
A recent commentary on the BBC talking about proposals to introduced Megans law (which would publish names and addresses of convicted sex offenders) mentioned how ineffective it would be - because the vast majority of these cases happen in families, where there is permanent name suppression to protect the victims. In other words, you might know if Bob next door molested a child 20 years ago, but you wouldn't know about it if it had been his daughter or son. It also only covers sex offences - you wont know if Bob used to punch his 6yo boy about, or even battered his ex.wife. If you met him in a pub, you wouldn't know if Bob molested or kicked his sisters.
Most child abuse isn't stranger danger - it is family danger (83% of sex offences are not committed by strangers to the victim) - and much of that is in families who don't even give a damn anyway. How can it happen once in a family where the other parent is watching out for the child, or where the child can turn to someone for help? Look at the Kahui family, who of them really gives a fuck?