07 July 2006


That is what terrorism is about. The murder is simply the means to that end. Today exactly one year after I have posted this, 3 bombs went off within 50 seconds of each other here in London. One each on two Circle line trains, going off between Liverpool Street and Aldgate, and another at Edgware Road. A third bomb went off on the Piccadilly line between Kings Cross and Russell Square. A fourth went off an hour later on a bus in Tavistock Square. 52 people were murdered, hundreds more injured, around 20 seriously. I catch Piccadilly regularly, as my alternate route to work. The location where the bus bomb went off is also the location of the bus route I sometimes catch as well, if the tube is closed. This morning I took the usual convenient tube route that was not bombed, but I still thought about it. It is one thing to live in New Zealand and watch the news, another to remember that every single day, London faces a terror threat. A real one. The million people who catch the tube every day, the other million who catch the buses (some the same people), those who work near major political, economic or social landmarks, like I do (right next door to one), think about that bag that lies there, the people who get on the tube and look nervous and Arab/South Asian. It is inevitable. It is about your life after all.
I wasn’t here when the bombings happened, but I was here when the second lot of attempts happened. I work very close to a well known building that could maybe be a target, but damn them to hell. London has gone through worse.
The blitz was perhaps the scariest time for this city, and 43,000 people were killed in Britain during it. During the first phase of the blitz, every night for three months, 200 German bombers bombed London. There are plenty of people alive who can remember that, and they didn’t run – they didn’t try to “understand the German point of view”, and didn’t apologise.
They didn’t blame the victims, they fought back. Nazi Germany was defeated, unconditionally. Germany today bears little resemblance to the totalitarian war machine that it once was, it is now the fourth largest economy in the world (China recently nudged it out of third) and a force for peace and stability.
London also suffered under IRA bombings through the 70s and 80s, although the casualties were low in number. Fear was the main driver. Fear removed rubbish bins from the tube, saw CCTV cameras installed and fear saw thousands avoid the tube one year ago after the bombs.
Today London is defiant. The evil of the terrorists, who happily see the blood of hundreds of innocent people, of all political beliefs, faiths or no faith and nationality, is not winning in London. The city thrives, it thrives with one of the most diverse populations of any major city in the world. There are probably about 7,000 people in this city right now who supported the bombings and would commit more – that represents the proportion of adult Muslims who in the most conservative polls endorse the terror attacks. I simply wish they would leave, they are not welcome.
However, perhaps the best statement I have seen comes from no other than Mayor Ken Livingstone. Livingstone was in Singapore at the time, at the International Olympic Committee meeting, following London’s successful bid for the 2012 Olympics:
“Finally, I wish to speak directly to those who came to London today to take life. I know that you personally do not fear giving up your own life in order to take others - that is why you are so dangerous. But I know you fear that you may fail in your long-term objective to destroy our free society and I can show you why you will fail. In the days that follow, look at our airports, look at our sea ports and look at our railway stations and, even after your cowardly attack, you will see that people from the rest of Britain, people from around the world will arrive in London to become Londoners and to fulfil their dreams and achieve their potential. They choose to come to London, as so many have come before because they come to be free, they come to live the life they choose, they come to be able to be themselves. They flee you because you tell them how they should live. They don't want that and nothing you do, however many of us you kill, will stop that flight to our city where freedom is strong and where people can live in harmony with one another. Whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail.”
For one of Britain’s most renowned/notorious leftwing politicians, Livingstone has set an example. He was right, they will fail and they have. May they go hide in their pathetic little warrens of hate, or go where hatred is glorified and live in the dry dusty dirty heat of it all. Go live in your caves, form a little society of reason hating, anti-individualist primitives, enjoy the life of pre-civilisation – you add nothing to the modern world.
I am slightly nervous I must admit, but I am not changing my habits to suit Al Qaeda, which released a video to Al Jazeera yesterday of one of the suicide bombers for the 7/7 attacks. Al Qaeda should be defeated, as Nazi Germany was – and nobody who believes in freedom or civilisation, across the political spectrum, should rest until the last member of Al Qaeda surrenders or is killed. The people of London, let alone New York, Madrid, Baghdad and elsewhere, deserve nothing less.
They certainly don't deserve the excuses seen in the Guardian this morning.

05 July 2006

He's just ronery

“Hey Bush, look over here, I wanna play! Damnit Bush, obsessed with Ahmi… Ahme…. the Iranian guy yeah and Saddam. Hey Brair, BRAIR, ohhh broody Brair, he aint looking so good now. Hey Koizumi, damnit Koizumi he’s retiring, what’s with the guy, he looks so cool too, what’s with these people not wanting to be Readers anymore. Hey Putin, rook at me, its Kim Jong Il, remember I came on the train and came see Russia? We did party dude and I brought my radies with me and whoa you got some hot bronde radies in Moscow woooo hooo. Yeah. Putin PUTIN! Why you not come visit as you say you would? Grrr hey Hu, Wen, yeah I want some of your investment, I wanna cool city with tall buildings and electronics and stuff you know? I want some. Hey stop ignoring me you guys. Why is everyone ignoring me? Hey Iranian guy you wanna party? Stop worrying about Israel, they just friends of United States – heyyyyyy stop giving me the Isram evils Iranian guy, I been the Dear Reader ronger than you man and I got me my nucrear weapons. Grrr Chirac? *sigh* he don’t notice me neither.
Damned CNN, BBC, NHK, I watch them all the time and I not been on them for agesssssss. What's wrong? Aren't I still the scary guy who runs a country the way half of you wish you COULD? Right... I gotta do something.
Damn you rot, NOTICE me, I’m Kim Jong Il, the Dear Reader, the peerressry great man. I might not be Arab, or Musrim but I’m GREAT. I want presents, I want visits, I want bronde radies from Sweden.
That’s it. You’ll pay attention now. I got missiles. Yeah you know it baby. I got missiles, they are BIG missiles, better than that stupid Saddam, he don’t know how to run a dictatorship, the wuss. You don’t go round attacking countries, you just threaten to and make sure your missiles work buddy.
OK here we go………. *fizzzzzzzzzzzzz* fire ONE. Woooooooooo this one is for the sea near Japan… there you go wooooo. Party dudes, hey lets do another *fizzzzzzzzzzzzzz* fire TWO. That show you Koizumi, you shoulda come over with your best chef and we have a sushi party night in Pyongyang. Right me on a roll now, *fizzzzzzzzzzzz* fire THREE…. Yeah I can show Japan, show Putin too, show the South Korean puppets that I can KICK some ass yeah… gimme another Cognac right another? *fizzzzzzzzzzzzzzztzttttt* fire FOUR. See I can make GOOOD missiles, come on Ahme baby you wanna gimme some oil for my missiles? Hey Assad baby, your dad and my dad were buddies baby, you wanna gimme some oil for my missiles too? Come on, you see they work. OK Bush – this is for not giving me the Xbox I wanted and the Vegas porn babes, get out the big one. OK I’m gonna show you I reach Araska baby. Right *fizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tzfr tzt tzt* *kick* *Fzzzzzzz* see it go near America. Ohhhhhhh *fzz* *fzzzt* *fzzzzzt ppupp* ooops .. that virrage not important anyways, it full of imperiarist rackeys of the Americans. Hey army dude what happened? *shot fired* he wont be embarrassing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea again. OK last one.. *fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* yeah Japan, so there woooooooo. Yeah ok radies, I go for a rie down now.
Hey someone get me the internet, I bet I’m on the CNN front page now I wanna pray with my radies while watching me on the news and all the dumb western journarists who think I’m a scary guy. It’s so funny, hey I bet they all wanna talk with me now, and they all gonna threaten me but do nothing – and then give us some money to buy more cognac, cars and Louis Vuitton. Dumb asses hehehe. Love that movie about me too, it's so true! I'm RONERY, someone important visit me damnit!

Another domestic airline?

An old joke about how you create a millionaire - find a billionaire to invest in an airline.
Well, some entrepreneurs are going to pour money down a blackhole in the hope they can make a buck out of flying from Auckland to Wellington and Queenstown at least. Fares to be as low as $12 Auckland-Queenstown, $2 Auckland-Wellington, with a start up sale of 10,000 seats at 2c each. (Of course you’ll have security levies etc to pay on top of that).
The website is here, it is called FirstJet.com and it intends to fly before the end of the year using a Boeing 737. It says it can do it cheap by using planes as billboards (though most of the time these billboards are out of sight) inside and out. I think it will try to be a Ryanair, without the volumes of traffic.
Hmmmm, interesting. A trial website, without even using the domain name, sounds like bollocks to me. On the one hand, routes like Auckland-Wellington make Air NZ a bucket, so there may be room for a third player, but on the other hand the money is mostly made from business travellers, filling up planes, many paying fully refundable fares with corporate discounts. Those travellers want:
- Frequent flights;
- Connections to other destinations;
- Koru Club.
Tourists get the leftover seats, particularly at off peak times, but without that core business traffic, the airline business is dead unless you can maintain consistent high volumes of traffic.
Remember, Qantas doesn’t make money on NZ domestic routes, Origin Pacific is barely breaking even. However, good on them for having a go, without taxpayer money – if it succeeds, thousands will be better off, if not, then the market was not there to make it pay. Nevertheless, I doubt that this will be off the ground - it looks like the professionalism of teenagers.

EU is the bad guy in world trade

Latest OECD data on agricultural subsidies shows that by far the greatest culprit is Europe. In 2005, the European Union spent nearly US$134 billion on propping up its agricultural sector. These subsidies generated around one-third of the average farm’s income. Don’t forget most of these are sucked up by large farms, including ones owned by the British Royal Family and others who can hardly start to argue they deserve to money taken from others.
The United States, typically pointed out to be the bad boy spends LESS THAN ONE-THIRD what the European Union spends, at just short of US$43 billion. This is 44% of the EU’s budget. Although the US is the third biggest agricultural subsidiser, after Japan which spends US$47.4 billion on securing votes for the Liberal Democratic Party by propping up inefficient rice farmers. Fourth is South Korea, spending US$23.3 million on pretty much the same as Japan. Interestingly the only OECD country to significantly increase subsidies since 1988 has been Turkey, which has seen the proportion of farmer’s income supported by subsidies increase from 15% to 25%
So why doesn’t Oxfam storm Brussels? It does call for reform, but it is muted compared to its call for aid. Why isn’t Bob Geldof and Bono damning France, the primary culprit in this? The Bush Administration is very keen on cutting subsidies as long as it is done multilaterally, and France in the EU says it has “done enough”. No it hasn’t, not by a very long shot.
It is time for all those give a damn about reducing poverty in developing countries to tell the EU and France in particular to move – to abolish export subsidies, cut subsidies for the “old” EU states by 70%, to the same level now offered the new EU accession countries (Hungary, Poland etc) immediately and abolish non-tariff barriers to agricultural imports. Do that, it would challenge the US to do the same and it would almost certainly wake up the developing world to open up its markets in manufactured goods.
and yes, New Zealand does have the moral highground on this, as subsidies in New Zealand are comparatively non-existent.

London at 32 degrees celsius

I have the following observations:

1. British media are weather obsessed;
2. Transport is designed for winter, the tube is hot and stinky, Victoria and Bakerloo lines are by far the worst as they are the deep level lines with the worst ventilation and oldest rolling stock. The best thing is, a lot of people know this and are using it less.
3. Women go to work wearing essentially weekend clothes (tanktops dresses and jandals), men wear suits not lava lavas. No shorts, socks and sandals.
4. Combine 2 and 3 and some women get on the tube wearing little – like the 8 inch high shorts, that means from top of the waist to the leg, NOT leg length. Why does this never happen in New Zealand?
5. Homeless people sleep in parks out in the open.
6. The sun comes up between 4 and 4.30 and down at 9pm - bliss!