Well it shouldn't be a surprise since the avowedly racist party of Parliament - you know - the one not only having representation because of a racist electoral system and the only party in Parliament enjoying substantial over representation because it won more racist seats than it would have got through party vote - believes in state collectivism.
Hone Harawira, of that great family of peace loving, law abiding, advocates of tolerance said:
"Mr Speaker, the Maori Party takes this opportunity to raise again, the injustice of poor people being penalised for crimes of need, while the white-collar boys continue to get away with their crimes of greed, we condemn the system of injustice which continues to brutalise and traumatise Maori communities, while those who commit crimes against the whole of society, don't just get more lenient treatment, some even get knighthoods for their acts of financial piracy, and destruction of whole communities."
Nothing like major reality distortion is there, a great Marxist technique, and then put up a straw man - "the white collar boys" without identifying them, accusing them of "financial piracy" something you'd really only believe if you're an avowed Marxist who believes that anyone involved in successful business is stealing - ignoring of course, that what he earns in his "job" is money taken by force. He wont identify whole communities destroyed by anything - except of course the removal of privilege.
Nothing like the reality evasion that says that the brutalisation and traumatisation of Maori communities is due to external reasons, not the violence and abuse perpetuated primarily by men within them.
So of course he supports Tame Iti and all the other opponents of Western civilisation, because he also opposes it - and you're all paying for it.
Another reason to simply get rid of the racist seats, let the Maori Party win seats on the same basis as every other party - but don't worry, they call treating them the same as everyone else as racist!