Kiwiblog's commentary on the Herald on Sunday's editorial say so much - it is effectively the Guardian of New Zealand and should not pretend to be anything else, but a leftwing rag edited by a postmodernist who does not believe in an objective reality.
The claim that racism has nothing to do with skin colour and everything to do with power is intriguing - it would mean that Hutus murdering Tutsis who were in power and wealthier wasn't racism. You see what it means is that Maori "can't" be racist in this "world view". So it isn't about a person being bigoted on race, it is only white people bigoted on race. So when governments discriminate against non-Maori in favour of Maori for funding, university places or the like - it can't be racist - even though, objectively it is.
Racism is when you discriminate against someone on the basis of skin colour. Put two kids in a school yard and have one say the other one is inferior because she is white, black, brown or yellow - and it is racism - or if a group of Maori kids call a caucasian kid names, it isn't? Yes that is what the Herald on Sunday is saying - and yes, that is what so many of our university graduates are taught, and a not inconsiderably number of bureaucrats believe.
The post-modernist neo-Marxist structuralist definition used in the Herald on Sunday is the sort of moral relativist nonsense that is often trotted out by likeminded university lecturers - you know, the sort that say that a Maori lecturer humiliating a non-Maori student isn't racist because "Maori can't be racist". It is such mindless collectivist nonsense that appeals to the simple minded, and appeals to those who want to lie blatantly about their true agenda, which is a utopian (to them) vision of a revolutionary world where your place in it is defined by your race, class and sex. You see that's how the Herald on Sunday editor sees the world:
- A man has more power than a woman, the world makes it that way. Woman can't change this except through force;
- A caucasian has more power than a Maori, the world makes it that way. Maori can't change this except through force;
- A wealthy older person has more power than a poor young person, the world makes it that way. Young poor people can't change this except through force.
It think of us all as members of collective groups - you are not an individual, you are classified based on sex, race, income. It treats you as if who you are is defined by those characteristics, not what you do.
So many of those railing against the arrests of the Marxist Tuhoe activists and their comrades are "professional protestors" and great enthusiasts for state violence against the productive in order to pay for them and their friends. They warmly embrace the state ganging up against peaceful people who work hard, make a living and are successful with their lives, but suck on the state tit paid for by those people whether through welfare or state jobs. The Herald on Sunday is dead wrong in claiming "Those protesting against the police actions and their courtroom sequels are not seeking apartheid but evenhanded justice, openly dispensed".
Actually those protesting are seeking socialism, socialism with a strong Maori nationalist component that would cheerlead a kind of ethno-fascism regarding what is Maori over everything else - don't expect the media or education to be free and open under their world. After all, ever tried to have a free and frank debate about cultural value, history or philosophy with such people? Or do you just get a taste of "direct action" and violent threats? Simply look at their ideological comrades - Guevara, Lenin, Castro, Mao - none of whom hesitate to spill blood.