18 May 2008

Nats want to revisit MMP

So says the Sunday Star Times. Actually the Sunday Star Times (which has tended to be friendly towards Labour) said "MMP Future in Doubt undr National", implying the Nats would abolish it, rather than hold a referendum. Bit of spin there that Labour will be happy about.
Well frankly I don't care much either way. Why? Because I can't get very excited about the different ways you can count heads, rather than what's in them. I opposed MMP for the same reason, and because most of its advocates were Alliance retards, xenophobic Winston groupies or academics. The fact the NZ media didn't for a moment ever probe how organised leftwing support was for MMP is a damning indictment on how uncritical it was in the early 1990s. The truth is the switch to MMP was a reaction to the reforms of the times, a referendum on politicians which ended up putting more in Parliament!
What's crazy is that talking about abolishing MMP hands Winston Peter another "conspiracy of those rich bastards" story to wind up the talkback listening economically illiterate xenophobic mediocrity mob.
Of course if the Nats want to make a serious difference with electoral reform they could just abolish the Maori seats - but that would require having courage of your convictions, but there is neither courage nor convictions with the Nats nowadays. Abolishing the Maori seats would improve proportionality, and better match constituencies to constituents, but it wont happen. The Nats aren't prepared to answer the inevitable gutter comments from the left of "racism".
Another worthwhile option would be having runoffs or preferences for constituency seats. This means that any seats without 50% of the vote to a single candidate would see the top two have a runoff. Clearly if MMP remains, this could be bolted on and make little difference, except for parties below the 5% threshold relying on a single constituency (4 do at the moment).
Meanwhile, the polls are showing the Nats may get a whopping majority. Of course this wont quite happen. The polls underestimate the support Labour has from those who don't answer polls as often as angry middle class voters - low income Maori and Pacific Island voters - the people Labour likes to frighten. Don't forget how National's win on election night 2005 was eroded away when the large south Auckland constituencies came through.
It's worth noting some of the poll findings though. Clearly voters on the left have started to be a bit clever, with the Greens at 6%. Leftwing voters may have got the idea that if Labour is bound to lose, they may as well cast a vote for a party that reflects their beliefs. This could be the Green's best election in a while.
By contrast ACT has inspired no one with only 1%. You'd think ACT could also take advantage of the same trend in reverse, as the Nats are guaranteed victory a vote for ACT could better reflect values of smaller government and reform. It isn't working yet.
The more telling result is that the vast majority of voters want tax cuts, income, GST and fuel. Now setting aside the arguments about GST and fuel (which I think deserve greater scrutiny and I do not support as such), it shows a strong majority in favour of government taking LESS money from everyone. Those on the left who think the opposite may pause to think, whereas National and ACT might just wonder why they can't simply reflect, in one way or another, what people want?

17 May 2008

Don't forget Zimbabwe, has Africa?

While the Presidential election run off is to happen on 27 June in Zimbabwe, the disasters in Burma and China have diverted global attention from the utter brutality Mugabe's Zanu-PF thugs have been inflicting upon opposition supporters. Morgan Tsvangirai says he will return to Zimbabwe for the campaign, but he is risking his life doing so.
The Voice of America reports Amnesty International's concern about Zimbabwe "the beatings, abductions, arson and killings in Zimbabwe have reached crisis levels. It says at least 22 deaths and more than 900 assaults have been recorded."
Harrowing images are emerging of the vile brutality the savage scum of Zanu PF are applying to Zimbabweans. The Daily Mail reports the story of Memory:
"Robert Mugabe's paid assassins came hunting for 22-year-old Memory, a married mother-of-two. They burst into her home, seized her and her children, and took them to their temporary headquarters in the local village school. ...She told me how on arrival at the school (which she had attended as a child), she had been ordered to sit in the playground with a group of supporters of Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) - the opposition party led by Morgan Tsvangirai. On the dot of 8am, the beatings started. Groups of eight people at a time were ordered out for treatment at the hands of a band of around 200 members of Robert Mugabe's militia, each wearing Zanu-PF T-shirts and green, red and yellow bandanas signifying the national flag. Many of them were high on drink or drugs. She watched as four of her close friends were beaten and kicked to death. A fifth friend later died, and others remain unaccounted for. "
If you can stomach it, the images of the state of her body after being beaten are here on the This is Zimbabwe blog. No one with any sense of justice can fail to be sickened by this, sickened by the vileness of Mugabe and his thieving murdering cadres. The US Ambassador to Zimbabwe reported on the BBC's Newsnight programme tonight reports of a woman in her 80s who was hit with an axe, because her grandsons were activists for the Movement for Democratic Change.
Meanwhile, Mugabe still has his friends, such as Mohau Pheko who doesn't believe Mugabe is to blame, but then she's one of the great and influential in South Africa being one of the ANC kleptocracy . She's on a board of an organisation called People Opposing Women Abuse, but I bet she wont visit Memory and apologise for providing propaganda for Mugabe - sanctimonious evil bitch. She shares the blood spilt by the savages of Zanu PF.
If African governments cannot collectively ensure that the Presidential runoff is free and fair, and Mugabe's thugs don't oppress the population to vote for them, then it will prove they are not fit mature members of the international community. It will show at best their impotence against great evil in their midst, at worst their complicity and appeasement while fellow Africans are murdered, tortured, starved, beaten, bullied and stolen from. The moral leadership and great hope of South Africa after apartheid will have evaporated, as President Thabo Mbeki shakes the hand and treats with respect a murdering tyrant who, if he were white, Mbeki would be demanding worldwide sanctions, and would be funding and arming his opponents.

Mugabe's reputation as an anti-colonial hero is protecting him from scrutiny, criticism and from being arrested, tried and imprisoned for his role in decimating his country and oppressing his people. The tinpot Marxists and collectivist kleptocrats who bully, bribe and connive their way to power in far too many African countries have enough in common with Mugabe to not want anyone to look in their backyards. South Africa is proving also that it is led by a tinpot Marxist who'd rather protect his mate than tell him to stop murdering the common people. Zimbabweans are being murdered and beaten, and South Africa continues to feed and support those commiting those crimes.

Obama and Clinton's pork stinking up world trade

So while the agricultural sector should be raking it in from record commodity prices, CNN reports the US Congress has voted to spend an additional US$40 billion (yes you read right, billion), with another US$30 billion to "allow farmers to idle their land" and offer so-called environmental programmes. Oh and it has been bundled into an increase in food stamps and food aid for the poor, so you can't oppose the whole bill without looking like you're mean to poor people.
Yes, so those that continue to farm, who benefit from record commodity prices are to get more money from US taxpayers, which of course reduces the ability of efficient farmers elsewhere in the world to compete and produce. Meanwhile, forget the need for more food, they'll pay some farmers to not produce. Imagine if you paid manufacturers to let a factory lie idle, or a bank to not loan money, or airline to not fly. Actually don't because taking taxes to pay for this pork helps do just that indirectly.
However, before you go "Oh not Bush again", the Bush Administration is opposing this.
It's the Democrats, the party more people overseas want running the USA. However, there are undoubtedly plenty of Republicans cheering this on too, if they have large rural constituencies. This Bill will help reduce the incomes of farmers in New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Latin America and Asia, it will help keep up the price of food to people worldwide by subsidising poor producers and subsidising non-production.
In short the US Congress has voted to screw the world over. Bush has threatened to veto it, but there are so many in Congress supporting it the votes are there to override it. You see this is about the 2008 Congressional elections, it is stinking fly infested pork of the worst kind. It doesn't just screw over American taxpayers and consumers, it screws over farmers the world over. It has been done in a way that means that agricultural subsidies can't be opposed without Democrats screaming "you're opposing food stamps for the poor too". It's filthy, unprincipled politics of the worst kind.
So where do the main Presidential candidates stand on this. Associated Press reports Hillary Clinton castigating John McCain because he opposes it. USA Today reports Barack Obama supports the Bill.
Hillary Clinton has said "I believe saying no to the farm bill is saying no to rural America", no Hillary it is saying yes to efficient farmers, consumers and taxpayers. It's not your money you thieving harpie.
Barack Obama has said "I applaud the Senate’s passage today of the Farm Bill, which will provide America’s hard-working farmers and ranchers with more support and more predictability". No it rewards non production you vapid flake, it rewards inefficient farmers and steals from hard-working taxpayers AND consumers by taking from their taxes AND inflating food prices, and it punishes farmers in developing countries. So much for the poor.
John McCain said "It's a bloated piece of legislation that will do more harm than good for most farmers and consumers". Quite.
So leftwing activists around the world, who claim to give a damn about farmers in developing countries, who care about the increase in global food prices. Still going to cheer on Barack Obama like sheeple? Which Presidential candidate would be better for New Zealand and world trade in agriculture? It's a no brainer.

16 May 2008

While Burma's people suffer, the NZ government profits

Don't forget that State Owned Enterprise Kordia is working in Burma to help the military junta build a cellphone network. Trevor Loudon blogged about this a few months ago. National condemned it.
Yes I guess a Chinese company could have done it instead, but this is the government, trading with negligent murderous lowlife. However, because it is a contract for NZ$80,000, it's ok according to Trevor Mallard.

Obama mania needs to be looked past

Gerard Baker in The Times this morning writes about how Barack Obama is getting idol status from much of the media.
"Mr Obama is portrayed throughout as an immanently benevolent figure. Not human really, more a comforting presence, a light source. He is always eager to listen to all aides of an argument, always instilling confidence in the weak-willed, resolutely sticking to his high principles and tirelessly spurning the low road of electoral politics. I stopped reading after a while but I'm sure by the end he was healing the sick, comforting the dying, restoring sight to the blind and setting prisoners free. "
Indeed, I've long thought he was getting a free pass from journalists who should know better, who didn't look past his "change" message to ask "what into", his charisma impressing on man and woman alike in a way that no politician should ever seduce. Baker continues...
"Some cable TV channels prostrate themselves nightly before him. Most newspapers worship at the altar. They have already set up a neat narrative for the election between Senator Obama and John McCain in November - the Second Coming versus Old Grouchy, The Little Flower of Illinois up against the Scaremongering Axeman from Arizona."
This is even though John McCain has long been the acceptable face of the Republican Party to many, he took on George Bush, so a new tactic will now be taken.
"now that he's up against Oh! Bama! he will have to be recast in the more familiar Republican mould of villain and scaremonger-in-chief."
So it is time, after some of us have been saying it for months, to put Obama under the spotlight. He has far less experience than either "damn those Commies" McCain or "born to rule" Hillary. However as Baker says...
"He is a smart and eloquent man with a personal history that is startlingly shallow set against the scale of the office he seeks to hold. It is not only legitimate, but necessary, to scrutinise his past and infer what it might tell us about his beliefs, in the absence of the normal record of achievement expected in a presidential nominee. If the past 40 years have taught us anything they have surely taught that premature canonisation is an almost certain guarantee of subsequent deep disappointment. "
He may make good television, but he may well be the most leftwing major party nominee for the Presidency since George McGovern. It's about time this was made clear.