South African President Thabo Mbeki, who in his twilight years wont be remembered as much for his lunatic beliefs on HIV, which undoubtedly led indirectly to more deaths in his country as a result, but for his treatment of Robert Mugabe. Appeasement is being a simpering weakling in front of evil, he was never that - he stands side by side Mugabe, shaking his hand and facilitating, funding, supplying power and succuour to the man who has destroyed an economy, murdered and tortured his people and beaten them into starving submission while he and his lackeys enjoy lavish trips to shop and spend their ill gotten booty.
Some years ago another African leader, a socialist of the same political persuasion as Mbeki, saw the murder and tyranny occurring in a neighbouring state. Rivers with bodies in them, a regime running riot over its people. The country was Uganda under Idi Amin. Amin's army had started minor incursions into Tanzania, annexing a small piece of land. Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere didn't simply fight to retain that land, he invaded repelled the Ugandan army from Tanzania and kept going. Within a few months it had taken Entebbe airport and then Kampala. Even with Libyan troops supporting Amin (oh yes Gaddafi has been quite a character), there was only modest resistance. Amin fled to Libya, and Tanzania installed a replacement government. Nyerere overthrew one of Africa's most brutal tyrants. The Organisation of Africanmurders and thieves Unity of course condemned Nyerere's actions, after all most of the leaders of African countries were despotic kleptocrats who suppressed political opposition and pillaged their countries' wealth for shopping trips to Paris and London for themselves and their cronies. Africa was being as exploited by its "liberators" as it had been by the imperial powers.
Some years ago another African leader, a socialist of the same political persuasion as Mbeki, saw the murder and tyranny occurring in a neighbouring state. Rivers with bodies in them, a regime running riot over its people. The country was Uganda under Idi Amin. Amin's army had started minor incursions into Tanzania, annexing a small piece of land. Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere didn't simply fight to retain that land, he invaded repelled the Ugandan army from Tanzania and kept going. Within a few months it had taken Entebbe airport and then Kampala. Even with Libyan troops supporting Amin (oh yes Gaddafi has been quite a character), there was only modest resistance. Amin fled to Libya, and Tanzania installed a replacement government. Nyerere overthrew one of Africa's most brutal tyrants. The Organisation of African
Now Nyerere was no angel, his socialist economic policies sent Tanzania backwards from being a food exporter to being an importer, but although somewhat authoritarian he was not a murderer like Mugabe.
However consider Thabo Mbeki. Zimbabwe's rigged, biased Presidential election was Mugabe beaten by Morgan Tsvangarai. Only by the rigged result did he fail to get a majority. So a run off election is being held, whilst Mugabe's butchering "war heroes" (if you consider a hero someone who bashes babies against tree trunks) torture and kill supporters of the opposition, while the opposition is prohibited from holding election rallies or from getting any coverage on the state monopoly broadcasting services and newspapers. It is an election that is one step away from the Soviet variety in that there IS a second candidate, but supporting such a candidate risks your life.
The election is an unbelievable farce, Mugabe and his Zanu-PF thugs with the military hand in hand have essentially overridden the Zimbabwean constitution, and are murdering all those in its way. Mbeki doesn't condem the murders, doesn't damn the violence led by Mugabe, he calls for the run-off election to be suspended and for a "unity government" according to the Daily Telegraph.
It is scandalous and despicable.
Imagine if there had been a call for a "unity government" in Cambodia between the Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese backed forces that overthrew it, or between the Nazis and liberals.
As Ayn Rand once said "In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit."
Mbeki deserves to be shunned at international fora, he is a cowardly craven fool with blood on his hands, the blood of black Africans, those he purports to support, whilst his pig ignorant blind loyalty to a tyrant keeps that tyrant fed, powered and slaughtering, starving and torturing his own.
If your neighbour was torturing, abusing and starving his wife and children, had promised to leave if the family agreed he should go, but tortured the kids into being loyal, and kept locking his wife away and abusing her - would you tell the wife that the two of them should stay together and work things out while the kids and her are still being abused?
That's Mbeki, friend of a murderer, a pathetic pointless man who should resign and stop pouring more disgrace on South Africa - a country that supports tyranny and then lets its citizens torture and murder those who flee from it.
oh and didn't notice all those protests like there were against apartheid, but I guess black Africans murdering and torturing their own isn't quite as important to some on the left as white Africans is it? No, once the Africans are running their own affairs, time to move on.