Yep more stinking pork, now it is National promising Tauranga money for a road - like the very worst in politics, without even knowing the cost and without knowing how worthwhile that project is compared to others - or even whether those who use it would pay for it. Like a King going round making promises to the little people.
Anderton says "There may well be a good case for the road in Tauranga, but it needs to be transparently compared to the business case for other possible infrastructure uses for $100 million, and there needs to be a very transparent total pool of funding available" which there is, and in fact another use is to give it back to those who paid it. If National simply applied its policy from the 1990s, it would be just as Anderton describes - even though he opposed it at the time.
Funny old world politics isn't it? It isn't about policies - it is about being scoundrels to principle.
Will John Key announce National will fund the much needed widening of the Victoria Park Viaduct ( now foolishly an overly ambitious tunnel project) in Auckland? That is one of the best road projects in the country - objectively speaking - but clearly winning votes among Auckland commuters is less important that beating Winston.
Or maybe he will announce funding the Kapiti Western Link Road, one of the best projects in Wellington, or maybe he'll announce the Schedewys Hill realignment north of Auckland? Maybe he hasn't heard of any of these? Because he's a politician and if you rely on politicians to make decisions on things like this, they'll make mistakes, they'll spend money to get votes, not to deliver best outcomes.
That's Muldoonism and oh John, it's Winston Peters, Peter Dunne and the Labour party too.
Wouldn't it be nice if politicians admitted they DON'T know what's best for everyone?
I mean other than Libertarianz of course.
Anderton says "There may well be a good case for the road in Tauranga, but it needs to be transparently compared to the business case for other possible infrastructure uses for $100 million, and there needs to be a very transparent total pool of funding available" which there is, and in fact another use is to give it back to those who paid it. If National simply applied its policy from the 1990s, it would be just as Anderton describes - even though he opposed it at the time.
Funny old world politics isn't it? It isn't about policies - it is about being scoundrels to principle.
Will John Key announce National will fund the much needed widening of the Victoria Park Viaduct ( now foolishly an overly ambitious tunnel project) in Auckland? That is one of the best road projects in the country - objectively speaking - but clearly winning votes among Auckland commuters is less important that beating Winston.
Or maybe he will announce funding the Kapiti Western Link Road, one of the best projects in Wellington, or maybe he'll announce the Schedewys Hill realignment north of Auckland? Maybe he hasn't heard of any of these? Because he's a politician and if you rely on politicians to make decisions on things like this, they'll make mistakes, they'll spend money to get votes, not to deliver best outcomes.
That's Muldoonism and oh John, it's Winston Peters, Peter Dunne and the Labour party too.
Wouldn't it be nice if politicians admitted they DON'T know what's best for everyone?
I mean other than Libertarianz of course.