09 July 2012

Buying something from the government is stealing?

He describes anyone buying shares from the government in SOEs as buying "stolen assets".


For he does not think of taxes - money taken by force by government - as stolen, regardless of whether or not it is to buy any assets.

Yet he thinks of the government, having bought assets by taxes, selling them, as "stealing".

You see he calls SOEs "public assets", "owned" by everyone.  Yet you are no more able to exercise the rights of ownership over a dam, road, school or hospital owned by the state than you are a privately owned one.   

However, he regards it as "public ownership" because the public, through its elected representatives (MPs), can "exercise control".  Let's just stick with that for now.

Using the electoral system he broadly supports, National got elected on a platform of part-privatisation. It is supported by parties which have either included or consented to that part of its manifesto.

So voters effectively chose a Parliament that has, through its elected representatives, chosen to "exercise control" on behalf of the public.

It's just he doesn't like it, because he voted for the Greens.  Yet he claims to support democracy.

He says "these goods were stolen from us by the government".  Well funnily enough they were, in the form of taxes.  In which case would he support selling them and giving everyone some money in return for the sale?  Of course not.

Instead he suggests "opponents of asset sales should boycott stolen assets".  I couldn't care less if they don't buy shares, and feel free to boycott buying their goods and services.  Don't forget all of the other companies privatised before, such as Air New Zealand (still 22% private), Telecom, Bank of New Zealand, State Insurance, former THC hotels, Intercity Coachlines.

However, you should also boycott EVERYTHING sold by the state.  The shops that now own former post offices and railway stations, the ex. Air NZ planes sold offshore, any closed schools, in fact any land at all that the state once owned.  After all, selling assets is "stealing".  Presumably buying state assets is "gifting".

This amusing view of property rights concludes with a sure fire approach to send New Zealand's sharemarket, property market and currency down to Zimbabwean levels "they should support calls for those assets to be forcibly renationalised at less than the sale price. Asset-thieves should not be allowed to profit from their crime."

That's right, the Soviet Union is back.  Buying shares offered for sale by a democratically elected government is a "crime".  Some belief in elected democracy he has.  No belief in property rights at all.  No interest, care or thought of what that does to both foreigners and New Zealanders seeking to invest their savings.  From big foreign companies to retirees, students or small business people, if they buy shares they are criminals - because they don't embrace his venal Marxist view of the role of the state.  After all, people from many backgrounds and income levels will buy shares, but to him they are all kulaks, the sellouts, the class and nation traitors.

I look forward to the Greens embracing this policy for the next election, for as somewhat socialistic many New Zealanders are, the idea the state can take back property you bought from it by force with a penalty, will frighten the bejesus of most.

He can live in his solipsistic south Pacific USSR if he likes, but all the aspiring successful wealthy people he despises wont be there paying taxes, opening businesses and employing people with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Idiot Savant is apparently well named. I note that his admiration for theft through taxation remains undying.
