What's it going to take for the moral relativists and the supporters of Hizbullah - the ones who chant down Queen Street and want to "burn Israel" to sit back and see Hizbullah for what it is.
"Victory to Hizbullah"
"Up, up Hizbullah"
"Burn down Israel"
If this was 1940, no doubt they would have been cheering the Nazis (after all "national socialism" seems such a nice idea, and Hitler and Stalin were allies, both nice anti-imperialist anti-capitalist men). I hope they put their money where their mouths are and become human shields for Hizbullah. Peace? My arse. These evil bastards have NO interest in peace when they chant "burn down Israel". I would also like to see them go to Iran, go see how much chance they have to protest on whatever they want, see how easy it is to be openly atheist, to wear what you want, to listen to music you want, to be openly gay or lesbian, to publish leaflets promoting what you want.
Hizbullah is NOT liberal - it is NOT tolerant and furthermore, it is PROUD of its civilian casualties and PROUD that it is hiding behind civilians, including children - the "martyrs" for their evil cause. So fucking lovable that little self-obsessed wanky students, union officials and other flotsam and jetsam of society want our society overthrown for Islamic fundamentalists.
Hizbullah is proud of this – proud that they hide behind civilians and they bear the brunt of the suffering, while they can fire back behind them. In any civilised society this would be seen as barbaric and cowardly – but what do you hear from the left? Nothing, but hyperbole about how Israel is out to destroy Lebanon. What utter rot. Israel has explicitly said it has no quarrel with the Lebanese government, Israel has no desire to eliminate any country in the Middle East, unlike Iran, Syria and its agent Hizbullah – and there was little upset from the left when the totalitarian Syrian government sent troops into Lebanon and occupied portions of the country for the following 19 years. You see, it is one thing for US backed Israel to do it, but when (then) Soviet backed Syria – a one party state with no freedom of the press, a secret police that crushes dissent and a personality cult for the Presidency (which has just been passed down by inheritance) , silence because Syria is at least not the evil pluralistic, open USA.
Check out Not PC for an excellent image which can be applied to Hizbullah.