05 November 2008

What to watch

States to watch are:
New Hampshire
New Mexico
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia

Senate- Democrats hold 39 and Republicans 26 that aren't up for grabs. 35 seats up for grabs. 2006 saw the two parties holding 49 each, with 2 independents holding the balance of power. Democrats will be looking to grab 21 seats out of the 35 to get a supermajority. Republicans obviously seeking to grab 25 to keep the Democrats at bay.

House - 435 up for grabs. Democrats won 233 in 2006, Republicans 202.

US ballot measures worth watching

One side of the US elections are state based referenda on many issues. There are few this time compared to recent years. So courtesy of CNN - here they are.

Measures I would support:
California - Parental or guardian notification of abortion sought by a minor
Colorado - End affirmative action
Maryland - Allow video lottery
Massachusetts - Repeal state income tax
Michigan - Allow medical marijuana
Michigan - Allow stem cell research
Nebraska - End affirmative action
South Dakota - Limits on abortion to 20 weeks, and cases of mother's health
Washington - Allow doctor assisted suicide

Measures I would oppose:
Arizona - Ban on gay marriage
Arizona - Ban on hiring illegal immigrants
Arkansas - Ban on gay couples adopting children
California - Ban on gay marriage
Colorado - Human life defined as from moment of conception
Florida - Ban on gay marriage
South Dakota - Limiting abortion to rape/incest and health of the mother

First US results

Kentucky McCain 8 electoral votes
Vermont Obama 3 electoral votes

No change from 2004

Record turnout in US election

The Daily Telegraph is predicting 65% turnout, well above that of 55% in 2004, 51% in 2000, 49% in 1996.

That is a good thing.

It's either a massive turnout for the rockstar Obama, or a massive turnout to reject him. Methinks the former.

Most African Americans are, understandably, voting for the candidate who represents their aspiration. However, it is remarkably sad that beyond that, so many are choosing based on style - and that goes for both sides. Substance is sadly lacking.

Green policy means keeping kids indoors

It's so stupid it is worth highlighting again:

The Green Party electromagnetic policy includes "Minimise exposure to electromagnetic radiation especially for children and pregnant women."

Electromagnetic radiation includes visible light.

So the Greens presumably want kids keep indoors during the day, and at night, keep the lights out.

Oh and if that isn't good enough for you, it would include wifi internet, it would include all computer monitors, TV screens, and even radios - they all emit electromagnetic radiation.

Do you still trust the Greens on anything scientific?