05 November 2008

0330 GMT: Still no landslide

Iowa for Obama with 7 electoral votes is another switch from the Republicans in 2004, no doubt because Obama backed agricultural subsidies!

Texas, Mississippi, Kansas, Arkansas, Utah for McCain with 34, 6,6,6 and 5 respectively. All solid Republican states.

Popular vote is still 49% McCain, 50% Obama. Again, hardly a landslide.

Obama 207
McCain 135

Senate- 52 D, 36 R, 2 independents for Democrats (4 go from R to D)
House- 149 D, 91 R (218 for majority) (9 go from R to D)

Obama should win, given projections for Ohio, New Mexico and Iowa for him. However, I didn't think I'd need to be waiting up this long to get the result.

It remains painfully close in many states.

0300 GMT - Obama on the cusp of victory

Obama now adds Ohio, New Mexico as projected wins, 20 and 5 respectively to hit 199. However, both are still with less than half the vote counted. However, if it goes through these are the first two states to fall from the Republicans, should mean an Obama victory.

McCain adds Louisiana with 9 to hit 78

Senate - projected 50 Democrat, 36 Republican, 2 independents (pro Democrat). Democrats will be happy.
House - projected 103 Democrat, 68 Republican. Long way to go yet.

The only ballot declared so far is Massachusetts - on abolishing state income tax - 69% no, with 44% declared.

0230 GMT - McCain needs Florida and Ohio

McCain must be worried about North Carolina, which remains slightly ahead for Obama with 39% of the vote. Ohio, Virginia and Indiana are too close to call. McCain needs them all.

CNN says:

Obama 174
McCain 69

Obama has:
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, DC, New York, Pennsylvania.

McCain has:
Kentucky, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Wyoming, North Dakota.

BBC is calling Ohio for Obama, which if true will be the breaking point for McCain.

Post 0200 GMT results preliminary from BBC

Michigan Obama 17 electoral votes
Minnesota Obama 10 electoral votes
Wisconsin Obama 10 electoral votes
New York Obama 31 electoral votes
North Dakota McCain 3 electoral votes
Wyoming McCain 3 electoral votes
Rhode Island Obama 4 electoral votes

No change from 2004 - still

CNN saying Obama 174 McCain 49

0159 GMT- On the cusp of the key states

Florida still too close to call, Georgia looks like McCain, along with Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma.

Senate - Democrats 47, Republicans 30
House - Democrats 38, Republicans 20

but a barrage of results about to come