05 November 2008

Obama's victory speech

His groupies in rapture, he talked of family, thanked McCain for his concession. He talked of the campaign made of millions who helped him get elected. It is "their victory".

He talked of a "planet in peril"
He talks of harnessing new energy, building new schools, alliances to repair.
"We will get there" (wherever that is).
The government can't solve every problem
Need a new spirit of service and sacrifice.
Republican Party believed in individual liberty, values we all share.
New dawn of American leadership is at hand.
Those who seek peace and security we support you.
Those who seek to tear down the world we will defeat you.
Our Union can be perfected.
Unyielding hope.

It all sounded nice, he sounds inspiring.

However, what does it really mean?

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help".

and people believe it.

Other US results

Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr came fourth, with 347,161 votes at 0438 GMT
Ralph Nader third with 421,978 votes.

Other states?
Arizona - McCain 10 electoral votes
South Dakota - McCain 3 electoral votes
Nebraska - proportional McCain 3, Obama 2
Colorado - Obama 9 electoral votes (a change from 2004)
Florida - Obama 27 electoral votes (a change from 2004)
Nevada - Obama 5 electoral votes (a change from 2004)
Hawaii - Obama 4 electoral votes

338 Obama to 155 McCain

A convincing win for Obama.

Ballot measures:
Arizona - Ban on gay marriage - 56% yes (74% counted)
Arizona - Ban on hiring illegal immigrants - 60% no (74% counted)
Colorado - Human life from moment of conception - 74% no (37% counted)
Maryland - Allow video lottery - 59% yes (67% counted)
Massachusetts - Repeal state income tax - 69% no (79% counted)
Michigan - Allow medical marijuana - 63% yes (50% counted)
Nebraska - End affirmative action - 57% yes (55% counted)

So what now USA?

Barack Obama is President elect. He has been elected on a wave of enthusiasm by young people, African Americans and people hyped up on a campaign of slogans and promises of a better future.

It is difficult to belittle how important Obama's success is to many African Americans who lived through appalling bigotry only a generation ago. If they now feel they can participate in the political process, that may well be nothing other than a good thing. Accusations that the USA does not have a system that offers opportunity can be put to one side.

However Obama has promised much, on the basis that government can deliver economic recovery, jobs, health care and a better society. He has promised cheap energy, he has promised a new foreign policy that makes friends abroad.

Now he will be expected to deliver - with a majority Democrat Congress.

Will he discover how hard it is to get government to deliver anything? Will his supporters learn that relying on government to save them is a lost cause?

Hopes have been raised high - on the basis of little more than Obama being a star. How will his groupies react when they find he can't deliver?

0401 GMT: Obama over the threshold

Yep with California, Washington and Oregon all predicted to go to Obama, through exit polls, it is 297 for Obama. McCain picked up Idaho with 4 to go to 139.

Millions are celebrating.

Now will he make it a landslide through the undecided seats?

0359 GMT: The waiting continues

Yes it is literally all over, bar the counting, but Obama still isn't over the hurdle. Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida remain too close to call. That is the difference between the landslide and just victory.

McCain has virtually no chance to recover, but he could make it a close race.

Since 0330 GMT Virginia has gone to Obama with 13 projected.
Obama 220
McCain 135

Senate - D 52, R 38, independents (pro D) 2
House - D 171 R 111 (9 R>D)

Popular vote - 51% Obama, 48% McCain. At least that is showing a decent gap.