04 March 2008

Healthcare - the elephant in the policy room

In both NZ and the UK, rational debate about public health care is just about impossible. This is because, as an issue, it is too complicated for the average journalist and average member of the public to understand.

Few would argue that there are not major problems with both the NZ health system or the British NHS. Waiting lists continue to grow and get worse. In short, the demands people place upon both systems often are not met by the supply - whether it being waiting lists for surgery, waiting times at accident and emergency, lack of coverage for necessary drugs, failure to accurately diagnose or supply international best practice treatment consistently, or even simply problems of hygiene in some hospitals.

So the response of both Labour governments in the UK and NZ has been simple- pour more money into healthcare. In the UK it is not far short of a 50% increase in the proportionof GDP being spent on state funded healthcare. The worst example of this extravagance has been the £2.3 billion NHS National Programme for IT, well £2.3 billion was the budget originally - it now is over £20 billion. However, taxpayers are easy pickings. In NZ it has gone up by around a third - yes a third, in GDP and in real terms - $2 billion more per annum, since Labour was elected. $2 billion is $500 per man, woman and child per annum.

So what have you gained from that? Seriously? You see, for example, Southern Cross could offer you the mid range private medical insurance for around $350.

Yes, that's how good health spending is.

The truth is that more money is not going to make a huge difference. Why? Because there are fundamental problems with state funded state provided healthcare:

1. Demand is endless: With no controls on price, and no sense that there should be limits, the public will demand the latest, best and most sophisticated healthcare concerning drugs, equipment, techniques and treatments. Rationing is not done by cost, but by politics.

2. State providers have little cost control: As seen in the 1990s, badly run, in debt hospitals in New Zealand get bailed out, are not allowed to go bankrupt, and so pressures to perform efficiently are poor. Costs increase because administrators simply ask the government for more money, and when it isn't offered, there are claims that it will hurt people's healthcare.

3. State providers have little competitive incentive to perform: As most users have little alternative, queues, poor service and failures to perform aren't subject to much sanction. Money still flows.

4. Increases in funding are largely captured by well organised health workers: Nurses, doctors and all others claim increases in funding, because they can. They public loves them, so they play up to that, they threaten strike action, and almost always win.

5. State healthcare provides little incentive to live healthier: Be a drug addict, smoker, heavy drinker, obese, don't exercise - you'll get treated the same as if you looked after yourself. Not only that, you pay the same and get the same treatment, well unless the bureaucracy starts discriminating against you.

6. Bureaucratic decision making is glacial and unresponsive: By its very nature, government agencies are slow decision makers, and tend to have to make tradeoffs between who is interested in the decision politically and bureaucratically. Multiple objectives and a lack of accountability for delayed investments and approvals means things move slowly.

You see the current model have no relationship at all between those who pay, those who use and those who supply. The incentives to limit demand, to look after yourself, are personal - not financial, and so the budgets grow, performance barely improves and nobody seeks to change this at the fundamental level.


Will you hear John Key this year seeking to radically change health care? No. You wont see it from David Cameron in the UK either. The reason being this- nobody on the right of the political spectrum has the courage or the articulation necessary to win the argument with the public.

The left is absolutely scandalous on healthcare. Dr. Cullen knows only too well that the current health system can't get better with more money thrown at it, but he wont reform it - he can't. The Labour Party writ large can't swallow the truth that the current system is broken - it cannot be made to work better. Its supporters will treat ANY steps to allow private sector participation or some sort of insurance model as being "Americanisation". US health care is the great bogeyman, and whenever it is mentioned there are images of people dying because they can't afford it. Few point out those dying because of failures of state health care. Yes, some in the US undoubtedly die because they don't have health care - but then so do some under socialised health care.

Unfortunately, the nature of mainstream politics is such that the left knows it can push the right emotional triggers on this issue in the media. It simply says "our way" or "American way". The solution to "our way" is always more money. Anything about a more businesslike approach is going the other direction, and the left can command a majority of those in the healthcare profession and hoards of hangers on to protest at will, making a lot of noise, but with precious little debate about how to do it better. Helen Clark can't wait to see if John Key says ANYTHING interesting about health.

The left wont point out how healthcare in many countries with socialised models is insurance based, and how this helps to control costs, demand, and incentivise healthier living. It ignores failures to achieve gains under high levels of additional funding, but will point fingers at those seeking to cut funding.

The call to end "endless restructuring" ignores that such restructuring is, at best, half hearted. What is needed is a fundamental change to how health care is seen, and it means starting to move towards individual responsibility.

There are many ways this could happen, probably the most palatable would be an insurance based approach. Such an approach would have several advantages:
1. Insurance premiums can reflect risk and behaviour, and encourage good behaviour (regular checkups and healthy living) but penalise bad behaviour (smoking etc). This would be far more effective than many public health promotion campaigns.
2. Insurance can invest the proceeds of premiums to get a return and manage risk more prudently than the state in collecting taxes.
3. Insurance creates a direct customer/supplier relationship, as people expect more when they actually seek medical services.
4. Insurance can allow more competition in delivery of health care. People can choose different suppliers, and insurance companies.

Now how could the state move towards this? It could simply offer you back the proportion of taxes you pay that goes towards healthcare, and you could buy health insurance with that money. The state COULD develop its own health insurance company that operates by default as a portion of your income, and you might opt out of it buying private care instead. That was ACT policy, not libertarian but arguably a significant step forward. Which is what I am looking for.

Will John Key propose anything that WILL address the fundamental problems of public health policy? Highly unlikely. You will elect him though, and the problems will persist - again, and Labour will say more money is needed. The best National's health discussion paper says is "The judicious use of public-private partnerships can increase the availability of elective surgery and reduce waiting lists." A toe in the water wont stop someone from continuing to overheat.

and if you think it's hard in New Zealand, in the UK the NHS is sacred - shame so much that is sacred is not subject to close scrutiny!

The anti-Obama strategy that will fail

Giving a damn about his middle name being Hussein
Giving a damn about him being an Arab or African-American or whatever.

At the most this will pander to conservatives who are bigoted xenophobes, with little substance behind why Obama should be opposed. It will shore up the leftwing liberals who respond badly to such doggerell, so it is NOT manna for Republicans.

What DOES matter is that he is leftwing, his economic policies are blatantly anti-free trade and pro-big government. His talk is mostly rhetoric and little substance.

Obama as a President is most likely to be a disaster for New Zealand, as he will have little interest in promoting a liberalisation agenda at the WTO that persuades global abolition of agricultural export subsidies, removal of non-tariff barriers to agricultural imports and moving towards free trade of agricultural commodities.

That is why New Zealanders should, grit their teeth, and hope Hillary wins in Ohio and Texas tomorrow.

03 March 2008

Herald nearly a month late on this one

First A380 services to New Zealand

yes I reported that on 8 February Grant Bradley.

By the way, Singapore Airlines is ending its Boeing 747 service to Auckland on 11 May 2008. They get replaced with smaller Boeing 777-300ERs. That isn't a bad thing. The new 777-300ERs have the same new business and economy class of the A380s, and still have first class.


The swing to the left under Gordon Brown has been modest, but every week or so something new comes along to remind me that the UK is governed by the LABOUR party. A party that thrives on envy, and is willing to slip back into the bad old ways if it is about being popular.

Today two examples of this:

First, according to the Sunday Times, Gordon Brown preparing to put "drastic curbs" on second home ownership, largely to stop people buying weekend pads in rather nice rural villages. This appeals directly to the anti tall poppy "eh uup" constituency that wouldn't think it is "fair" that someone is successful enough to buy a second home. You know, the people who Labour would have trapped in council houses, on the bottom tax rate and forever being reminded that if it weren't for Labour, they would be starving, without health care and the like - the ones Labour LIKES having dependent on the state.

Brown is apparently going to recommend that local authorities - the bastion of petty fascism - prevent "outsiders" (in German it would be "auslanders"!) from buying houses that they wouldn't make their permanent residence. I mean, the audacity of such people, and those selling them to such people! Councils could refuse permission to buy! Interfering directly in a voluntary exchange between buyer and seller.

Liberal Democrat MP Matthew Taylor, showing how illiberal and fascist he really is said “In some communities, 30%, 40% or 50% of the village is dark most of the year. It raises huge issues for the sustainability of the community.” Does it Matthew? Huge issues for who? I guess those who sold the houses don't count, or the people who bought them. Maybe you'd like to buy them instead with your money?

All of this ignores the economics. Doing this will reduce property prices and returns for those CURRENTLY owning properties, it wont encourage more construction and will hardly ensure "communities are sustainable" whatever that means.

Secondly, the Sunday Times reports on the inevitable envy ridden backlash against energy companies, which have been ordered to hand over part of their profits or face a windfall tax by Gordon Brown. Apparently those who invest in energy companies, wisely at a time of increasing demand, don't deserve the proceeds more than the grim, slow moving, inefficient, wasteful behemoth of a state. They should, of course, tell the government to go away, nicely. They are being asked to subsidise the gas and electricity of the poorest. They might ask the government a few points:
- Why does the government continue to levy VAT at over 17.5% on many goods and services for everyone, why can't it cut taxes to help those it cares about?
- If energy companies don't make large returns at times of high demand and short supply, how will they afford to invest in sourcing new energy supplies?
- How does subsidising the price of energy encourage people to use it more efficiently?
- Why doesn't the government reduce regulatory restrictions and compliance costs on competition between energy companies and figure out how, if there are windfall profits, why companies don't compete so much on price?

29 February 2008

Thanks Big Sister, we really need you

Big Sister Cindy "Kim Jong" Kiro has spent your money urging you to spend time with the family.

However it isn't YOUR family or YOUR kids, she notably never says that. She does say "our children" in the context of "she's a parent so she's one of us".

It shouldn't fool you. Cindy Kiro wants to nationalise the raising of children, by having a Stalinist style monitoring of every child, and a plan for every child authorised by the state from cradle till whenever. This warm and otherwise benign press release is unnecessary, but paints a picture of the Childrens' Commissioner have a useful role - when she has none. She undoubtedly cares a lot for children and abhors child abuse - hardly controversial. However, she thinks we are ALL responsible for this. This justifies her call for Orwellian monitoring of children including:

Planned assessment at key life stages, including early childhood, primary and secondary school entry, and moving to tertiary education or employment and training opportunities, is a key component of the framework. The assessment will take into account the whole child; their physical, social, educational, emotional, and psychological development.

She is either ignorant of the evils of totalitarianism, or an advocate of it! Simply, how fucking dare she call for children of responsible, loving, non-abusive parents have their kids monitored by the state?

She dilutes the blame by being unable to confront the truth - the problem is abusive families, no others. There are thousands of children barely being parented at all. Their teachers know this, and no doubt also do neighbours, distant family members and the like. THAT is where the state effort should be, as part of the criminal justice system. It is about intervening when there IS abuse, not watching everyone else. Yes, it will mean intervening in a higher proportion of Maori households than others, because it is disproportionately a problem with families of Maori background.

So no Cindy Kiro. Parents will decide what they want to do childrens' day, some will be working to pay taxes to fund your well about average income and the big nanny state you warmly embrace - think how much more time the parents might spend with their kids if they didn't need to work so hard to pay taxes (for you and the state) as well as earn a living. The children living in New Zealand are not "ours", they are not a shared responsibility. They are the responsibility of their parents and guardians, and they should be accountable when they abuse or neglect their children. If you were to do ANY justice to your job you'd stop making blanket statement about everyone, and focus on CYPFS and support efforts to intervene when there is demonstrable abuse and neglect. You would also work to deny custody of children from those who are convicted of abusing kids, permanently. Instead of monitoring all families, how about breaking up the ones that are destructive and stopping those who are from being near kids.

To be fair, Dr. Kiro is not an apologist for child bashing unlike one blogger who wants says "the structural issues which leave people so broken that they torture a three year-old", in other words "capitalism makes people torture a toddler".