We can all breathe a sigh of relief that this little bastard has been denied parole a second time, and he ought to remain through to his release date of 16 September 2008. A release date that is roughly 22 years too early.
Bailey murdered Michael Choy the pizza delivery man, as part of a gang of "really cool youfs" who not doubt are proud of what they did. Who can forget the smiling Kurariki who liked all the attention he got, we can only hope that everyone who crosses him after he gets out gets off lightly.
So here's a challenge. Who is willing to lay a bet that Kurariki will NEVER assault anyone ever again? Think about how many other people get sentences heavier than he for doing less. Of course he was 12, and the excuse is that he didn't know better. I don't recall ever thinking it was ok to bash someone to death, kids aren't stupid and too many adults assume they are innocent and vulnerable. It raises questions about the purpose of the criminal justice system. If it is to punish the offender, protect the public from the offender or rehabilitate the offender. It is meant to be all three.
Presumably given the denial of parole, Kurariki hasn't been rehabilitated. If he hasn't been rehabilitated then there is a question about protecting the public from him, and his seven year sentence isn't much of a punishment for denying a man 30 years of his life. Kurariki doesn't deserve to spend any of youth in freedom. The message given by this sentence and his pending release is that when you're 12, you can murder and be out for your 18th and go party having learnt a lot of useful stuff.
It is wrong to sentence someone twice, but politicians are quick to consider sexual offenders' registers or requiring sex offenders to notify where they live - there may be some merit in this for particular offenders, but shouldn't the same apply to Kurariki? Wouldn't you want to know if he was moving in over the road? Wouldn't every pizza delivery store in the country want to know too, unless he has demonstrated on the balance of probabilities that he is reformed?
Golly. He hasn't been rehabilitated. The entire population of Moenui is surprised.
It may suprise you to know that most of the filth he did the crime with are already out.
Upon reading your blog, I had to place a comment because I found it to be very disgusting! Who are you to judge someone, in fact visciously name call someone a little bastard without even meeting the person! That is down right rude!!
That said, I do STRONGLY agree with some of the points you have raised on the fact that Mr Kurariki should not be released but I do want to point a number of factors out. I have read he hasnt shown much sign of improvements, with his large number of fighting incidents, throughout his time in prison HOWEVER do remember he was only 12 years of age when he was imprisoned. A boy of that age would have been a easy target for older, abusive and intimidating men. I believe his large number of fighting incidents can only be associated with his age, he had no choice but to (fight) do what he had to do for basic survial. For instance look at that young man whom was killed in the back of a security van! The offender was much older and to me was a bully. Most crimianl men offenders tend to pick on younger men for ego - it happenS throughout the world. Perhaps if that young man had protected himself he could be here today. But back to the topic, I feel Mr Kurariki should be released however put on a year prohabation. Unless he is given a chance in a normal society he is unable to show whether he has changed but then again if he screws up then you can judge him!!!
You say ..."Who are you to judge someone, in fact visciously name call someone a little bastard without even meeting the person! That is down right rude"
I didn't murder someone and find it a bit of a joke that I am famous for it, I find that rather more rude. I didn't meet Hitler, Stalin or Charles Manson, and I believe them all to be bastards too. However, maybe you think people shouldn't judge murderers until they've sat down and had a cup of tea with them. I know I'm better than him (in fact virtually everyone I know is), that's how I can judge. I didn't seriously assault and murder someone, it's wrong, most people know it's wrong, he doesn't care - he is evil, why should I waste one moment of concern for someone who wont hesitate but to hurt others?
Then you say..."I feel Mr Kurariki should be released however put on a year prohabation. Unless he is given a chance in a normal society he is unable to show whether he has changed but then again if he screws up then you can judge him"
The odds are that he will kill or assault again, so you're willing to risk this? Willing to risk he'll make some girl pregnant and another little Bailey will emerge to do the same.
He should be kept in until he can be objectively seen to have been rehabilitated, with a minimum of 20 years. If he is seen to be a danger to others he can stay there.
It astounds me when people make themselves (or "think" themselves is a more accurate description) intelligent, and yet within a sentence prove utterly otherwise. Bailey didn't murder anyone.
And as for reading that he hasnt changed/reformed etc etc, do you realllly believe everything you read?
I giggled to myself when I heard you throw around the term "balance of probabilities" as if that had something to do with it! Seriously, maybe you need to keep your comments to issues you know something - ANYTHING WILL DO - about, rather than hysterical rantings that show nothing but ignorance. Please.
Oh yes manslaughter silly me, he was a good kid.
Meanwhile Michael Choy is dead and he gets a chance to live a happy life, travel, even fall in love, have kids and experience so much. I guess that's ok isn't it? Not the least bit unfair, I mean when I was 12 I knew violence was wrong - actually so did everyone I know, but he's special.
Keep on giggling, people who do violence to others are worth that.
The thought of justice and retribution feels much better than the thought of rehabilitation and redemption, doesn't it?
You say that when you were 12 you knew violence was wrong. So did I. And I am so very grateful that was the case.
Think being 12, brought up to think violence was okay, having the systems designed to protect you as a child fail you and to be brought into a scenario that will impact the rest of your life... Michael Choy was not the only victim that night. Just the only victim anyone will have any compassion for.
Everyone says "he will not change" well why does he need to change?
Okey he was the at the time of the crime but that was bad luck for he did not do anything.
You adults forget what it's like being a young kid wanting to be cool and liked and course peer presure. I actully feel sorry for him if he's parents acted like real parents he would not have ended up like this.
He needs to change because he is a negative - he has helped one life end and others to suffer immensely. He has not compensated for that.
Bad luck? He wanted to be cool? The boy was smoking cannabis at 10, his parents should be paying compensation and I'm sorry, there is no excuse to being an accessory to manslaughter. He knew what his mates were going to do, he's either stupid or screwed up.
Either he pays or his parents. He gets a second chance and has done not one thing to compensate for what he did.
Being limpwristed whenever anyone initiates violence is saying it is less vile than what it is.
Liberty Scott,
you talk like you have all the answers. You judge Bailey like you know him and you know all the pain that he went through as a kid trying to make it on the streets. And by trying to make it I mean survive - live off the scraps of the others to eat, find the closest rag that resembles clothing. I dont for one second condone what Bailey done to Michael Choy, and to be honest if you asked Bailey the same thing, he would take back that night in a flash. You want to blame his parents Liberty SCott? Go ahead, blame them too. I know that they were alcoholics and substance abusers, but I hope and pray they've changed. I know that they have to live with this sad event for the rest of their lives. You call him "Stupid or screwed up", yeah I think as a child he did make a stupid - the worst - decision a child/adult could make. Now what Liberty Scott?, now that we know he made the worst decision what do we do now miss know all the answers? He has done not "one thing to compensate", how do you know? Do you know whats involved in the heavy rehabilitation and counselling and therapy that Bailey would have been through already and continues to do so? I dont think so. Do you know what its like to be imprisoned? Having your freedom taken away is pure punishment. And before you begin to judge me, no I am not an ex-prisonmate, but I have worked in one, I worked in one that Bailey stayed in for quite some time, and while I hate what he did to Michael Choy, I know that this boy lives with resentment every single day and night. What do you suggest we do now with bailey now that he's "out" Liberty Scott? Any chance of rehabilitating this young man, or do you think that once an offender always an offender, because your ignorant rantings above seem to suggest that. I find it somewhat ironic that someone with a name like Liberty seems hell bent on condemning someone for life. I wish Bailey Kurariki all the best, he's going to need it, and my heart goes out to the Choy family. And I hope that you find something more constructive to do like looking for solutions rather than sit there and type up ignorant comments that do nothing to help anyone.
I think there is just one punishment for this: death
This society become too PC. Gangsters are taking the control. We have to change the rules, before it becomes too late.
I cannot believe how anyone (seems like there are a lot of you) can defend this little boy who participated in the MANSLAUGHTER of someone.
Before you even try to defend this boy - answer truthfully to yourself how would you feel about Bailey whatever if he had ganged up on you while you were walking home one night OR if the person he had killed was your son, brother or friend delivering pizza. Clich approach but lets do this little personal exercise before you embarrass yourself with this illogical crap like 'don't judge' etc
In regards to the statement saying that the phrase "don't judge" is "illogical crap", most judgements and first impressions are completely off the mark. There is nothing wrong in defending someone who has made a mistake and can't speak in his own defence, and if he could people like you would just switch off to what he has to say and hold on to your hate for someone your've never met. Yes i know a man tragically lost his life, i know the feeling of having a brother taken away from you by something so preventable but hate onto hate brings nothing positive and if not fueled it will just corrupt.
Youth so often make terrible mistakes that often have dire consequences, my brother was killed because the driver of the car he died in was a 15 year old teenage boy that liked to drive fast. The driver survied and my brother did not, i hated him for taking my brother away from me. I remember watching the driver at the funeral he didn't shed a tear and i loathed him for it, i hated him so much i feel disgusted in myself now knowing that the guy killed himself 4 months after the accident. People this bailey is still a kid, he's had much of his life already stripped away from him we can't pretend to know whats going through his head or what he's feeling or what caused him to do the deed, but the phrase "don't judge" is not "illogical crap", the people who pretend they understand this boy and therefore judge him, they are the illogical craps...
He is was scum, is scum and will remain scum. Prison for life is the only way of protecting the public from violent criminal scum.
Kim Workman and the like - persuade the system to let him out after "finding God": and after "Maori" Immersion" and all you do is endanger innocents.
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