26 February 2007

She's a racist though she doesn't know it

Tariana Turia is racist and does not believe in democracy.
Her newest concern is that more migrants coming to New Zealand have white skin, compared to Maori breeding. Why should the colour of the skin of citizens matter, unless you judge people by their race and ethnicity, rather than what they do? You see, Tariana judges you first by your skin colour - it just happens she thinks the most of you if you are Maori.
She's called for restrictions on immigration because of what it means for Maori political representation - presumably, she doesn't like the fact that a cornerstone of liberal democracy is one adult one vote.
Stuff reports how she claims it ISN'T about race because, in the bizarre post-modernist world of identity politics, it is absolutely impossible for a non-white person to be racist to a white person - in Tariana's world racism is about judging people on the basis of race, but white people judging people on the basis of race. She is quoted as saying "No, we aren't playing the race card, because we are not talking about Asian immigration. In actual fact, the majority of immigrants who come to this country come from Great Britain, from Europe, from Canada, from Australia." . How dare they!
How dare people with skills, education, talent and aspirations to live a better life come from those places. Anyway, in Tariana's world these people are second class compared to every single person of Maori descent - the people she prefers.
Helen Clark has wisely refuted Tariana Turia's mad assertion that immigration is a cunning government plot to dilute the Maori population (yes I can see Labour doing that can't you?) saying "Our country has been built on migration. You're part of it, I'm part of it, our forefathers were part of it".
Indeed Helen.
John Key is quoted as saying "But that is a very small issue in my view in relation to the bigger one of what not having those people coming to New Zealand would represent."
John it ISN'T an issue - but you want to get into political bed with this racist lunatic for power don't you? Just like National did in 1996 despite Winston's asian baiting. John you could've agreed with Helen - she's right, you're a wimp.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

The funny thing about this (I reckon) is that Turia doesn't appear to have a clue that what she has said is racist. SO UNBELIEVABLY STUPID, and very sad that a person like this has control over my and others lives.

Off on a John Key related tangent... could somebody please tell me HOW John Key got wealthy? All I really know is that he grew up in a state house, and now he is a "self made" millionaire. I would have assumed that a person who makes good in these sorts of circumstances would have a certain amount of contempt for the "welfare is my right" attitudes of those he grew up with? Could someone help me out here please?

Lastly and with all due respect, not too much praise for Helen please libertyscott, you might start to make people think she isn't an evil witch.