22 October 2006

We have our meeting in the trailer park kids!

I find this so funny. The party that isn't (it isn't registered with the Electoral Commission because its membership falls far short of the 500 minimum needed) shows itself to be pathetic beyond words.
Stuff reports that "The National Front gathering coincided with its annual meeting, which is being held this weekend at a Hutt Valley motor camp. "
Sure helps to have a meeting where many of you live! Hope afterwards they had a good night with sister-mommy and brother-daddy while reading their combat comics.
By the way, the NZ Herald confirms that the motor camp is the Hutt Park Holiday Camp (there aren't any others) and reports that the motor camp staff have received abusive phone calls for hosting it. It is unclear whether the owners knew the National Front was coming, but it doesn't matter - the Human Rights Act would likely prevent the Hutt Park Holiday Camp from banning the National Front, as it is discrimination on the basis of political belief.
This is just another reason why the Human Rights Commission and Human Rights Act should go.


Anonymous said...

You would like people to be able to discriminate on grounds of political beliefs?

Anonymous said...

Why not? Its as good as any other reason Spam.The right to Liberty is the right to discriminate for WHATEVER reason you wish...rational or otherwise.

In a truly free country the only entity that should not be able to discriminate between perons or groups is the government itself which is suppossed to represent us all.Any discrimination by anyone in the private sector should be allowed and indeed the right to do so upheld by the state...

This doesn't mean the reasons for the discriminatory action aren't wrong,but in a free society people have the right to be wrong...but are no free to escape the consequences, ie..social sanction,loss of trade,being discriminated against themselves etc...the markets feed back loops in operation.

KG said...

"the markets feed back loops in operation."
There are principles more important than market feedback loops.
Freedom of association is one of them.
You'd like "the market" to define our civil liberties?

Libertyscott said...

I'd just like the freedom to discriminate because it includes the right to exclude fascists, racists and the like. Yes it would also allow them to be racist, but then if banks refuse to do business with racists and most others do - then it DOES work. It is a matter of choice and I think it would work.

It is a civil liberty to have the right to refuse business with anyone on any grounds. Nobody should force anyone to trade, otherwise it is slavery.

KG said...

"It is a civil liberty to have the right to refuse business with anyone on any grounds. Nobody should force anyone to trade, otherwise it is slavery."
No argument there,LS.

Anonymous said...

There are principles more important than market feedback loops.
Freedom of association is one of them.
You'd like "the market" to define our civil liberties?

The basis of the FREE market IS freedom of association kg...how have you missed that vital point? The free market is simply the name we use to describe the voluntary interaction of FREE people trading value for value...be it in goods, romance,friendship,religion,entertainment etc..